Page 307 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 307

                         MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY  FOR THE YEAR 1870-77*
                                        No. 19.
                                                d description of goods exported
            Contrasted Statement shoving the value an
                          front Linguh during the gear 187o-7o.

                                                Fob tub tbxb
                                                             Increase In   Dccn-asc In
                                                               1876.   137*
                                               1875.   187*
                                               Rt.     lit.    JZs.    JU.
                                                 1.100   1,500   •too
            Animals, living                      2,000   400            2,300
            A run »ud ammunition                 5,1 W  12,700  7,500
            IlouW                                1.SV0    ISO            370
            Caudles                                     49,750  19,750
            Canvas, country                     30,000
            Cattle                               3.U00   750     350    2,350
            Cifoanut ...                         3.200                  3,200
                 dry                                            7.050
             Coffee                             13,100  21,350
            Coir and coir-rope                   0,000  0,130   3,120
             Cotton goods                      7.60.000  1,10,520      6,00,480
            Thread and twist                     7.200   22,030  1*480
            Cotton, raw                          4.600   7,770  3,070
             Pates                              59,700  47,200          12,500
            Date juice ..                         IK)    1.2S0   8tO
             Drun and medicines...              22, ISO   41.3G0  22,180
            Inringand toloriug materials         9.373   21,370  11,993
             Kartben-ware                         700   11,150  10,600
             l'ruits sud vegetables             12,920  60,070  43,850
             Furniture ...
            Col?thread**                          402
            Oram sud pulse                     5,35,020                2,11,120
            Cum, Mn»mVi
             llido aud skins
            Ju'.e, manufactures of
            Jute, raw.....................
             leather, manufactures of
             Im«ou.s, dry
             L:.:«a juice
             Ludftrs ...
             Mats ...
             Metals .......................             21.52i)  15.810
             Mill stone ...                             2.5O0    1,600
             CM                                         11,550   4,650
             Perfaraery ...                    32,00,000  23,72.000
             Pont lain and Chlnaware             4.200   4,470   1,390
             rn virions and oilman stores       64,920   3.970
             ball                                      1,11,020  46,700
             Psltnetre ...                      10,000  10,850    650
             Sods                                1,600   3,600   2,000
             *hark fins                          1.46i)
             Wells (pearl)                       8,350   " 16,100   7,7 CO
             H!k, manufactures of...            38,tWO   32,000
             bilk, raw ...                      25.700  30.100   10,400
             Ppicts                              3.200   2,700
             N.ap                               35,710  65,650  2*910
             ptauooeij;;                          300
             8un»                                 840
              • !&sf                             2,400   5.950   3,550
             T- ...                              1,200   4,700   3.600
                                                 8,000  34,100  26,100
             Tubacco Z                            120
             T-m“°fc<rtnrea of                 *33,000  *6*620
             Timber lnd wood                      80
                                                16,200  ”*£850   6,650
             *«ileT^is                            COO    1,020    300
             Yards sodWhoTS                     16,400  43,000  27^00
             AU other kinds not included in abort  2,380  3,730  1,350
                                                10,052  23,370  17,418
                                     Total     5*33,236'  36,73,400  *89,894  1*43,640
                                    8pec is    11,00,000
                                 Grand Total   6*33.236  13*73,490  W»4  1*48.640
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