Page 330 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 330

                    now collects ct the various ports of the Persian Gulf, tlio produce that for­
                    merly concentrated at Muscat before it was distributed to more distant
                    countries. The date harvest last year, owing- to the heavy rainfall,  wa*
                    the most abundant that has been known for many years, and the expor­
                    tation of the fruit was in proportion, the total value being §725,000,
                    or §225,000 in excess of last year. Of this amount §55,000 worth
                    went to America. The chief import is rice. The returns show a
                    decrease last year of §200,700; this diminution was owing in great
                    part to the rise of prices caused by the famine in Western and Southern
                    India. The article is imported chiefly in square-rigged vessels trading
                    between Muscat and Calcutta. The number of these js falling off year
                    by year. Five years ago there were 10 belonging to this port, now there
                    arc only 6ix.
                        The exports at Muscat are much exceeded by the imports, but
                    taking the whole Coast of Oman, the trade is probably fairly balanced,
                    as the produce of the country does not entirely concentrate at Muscat,
                    hut is shipped off at many places on the seaboard, and is not consequent­
                    ly shown in these returns.
                        The customs farm was sold last year for §110,000, but of this,
                    §10,000 was, I believe, remitted by His Highness the Sultan.

                                           (S.)   S. B. Miles, Lieut.-Col.,
                                          II. B. JI.’j Poltl. Agent <5* Consul, Unseat.
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