Page 332 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 332

SI administration report or tiik Persian gulf political residency
                                     Estimate for the year 187G-77..
                                                          Value in
                           Articles.          Quantity.                  To
                    Dales, pressed ...     173,000 bays.   350,000  India, V c in c n and
                      n dry                 75.000  „      375,000     Iudia.
                    Fish sounds               175 „          5,000       ii
                   Cotton                    2.000  bales.   •12,000     »»
                    •Shark fins               300 „         18,000       M
                    Red ochre (tnugur)        700 loads.     1,100       w

                    Salt                     6,000 „        10,000       ii
                    Fish                    75,000 in Xo.   13,000  Mauritius and Bourbon.
                   Other fruits                             -10,000    India.
                   Dried limes               1,000 bags.    10,000     Busrah.
                   Mother-o’pcarl ...        1,000 bales.   20,000     India.
                   Pearls                                  .20,000       f»
                   Sugar                     1,200 bays.    12,000     Yemen.
                   Ilenna                     •WO            1,700     Busrah.
                   Cotton fabrics             300 boxes.   150,000     Zanzibar.

                   Date juice                 200 dubbas.     600      Indio.
                    Black dates             16,000 pots.     2,200       M
                   Almonds                    250 bags.      2,500 India and Zanzibar.
                   Zccbccb                    coo „          3,000     Indio.
                    Plums                      60 „           400        m
                    Madder                    190 „          1,400
                    Asaafudida                 40 ..          360        n
                    Walnuts                   100 „           COO        n

                    Garlic                    150 „           600      Zanzibar.
                    Wheat                    1,500 kaudies.  22,000  Mauritius and India.
                    Wood        • ••          300 koriet.    1,600  Basrah and the Gull*
                    Hanks       ...            80 „           800    *       m
                    Cotton seeds             3,600 bales.    6,000     India.
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