Page 362 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 362

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                        11                          CONTENTS.

                        Statement allowing the Quantity and value of the principal and other artlrl

                        Statement showing the quantity and value of the principal and other article*
                             exported from Bombay Presidency to the Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and
                             Turkey in Asia) during the official year 1870-77
                                                                                   ... 56
                        Statement showing the quantity and value of the principal and other article*
                             imported into the Province of Sind from the Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia,
                             and Turkey in Asia) during the official year 1870-77   ...   qq
                        Statement showing the quantity and value of the principal and other article*
                             exported from the Province of Sind to the Persian Gulf (Arabia, Persia, and
                             Turkey in Asia) during the official year 1870-77 ...  ... 70
                        Statement showing the quantity and value of the principal and other article*
                             imported into Calcutta from the Persian Gull'(Arabia and Persia) during
                             the official year 1870-77 ...                         ... 74
                        Statement showing the quantity and valuo of the principal and other article* ex-
                             ported from Calcutta to the Persian Gulf (Arabia and Persia) durin" the
                             official year 1876-77                                 ... 76
                        Abstract Table showing tbe total estimated value of the principal and other
                             articles of trade imported into Bunder Bushire during the year 1877   ... 79
                        Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of tho principal and other
                             articles of trade exported from Buudcr Bushire during tneyear 1877  ... 82
                        Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
                             Bushire during the years 1876-77                      ... 85
                        Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
                             Bushire during the years 1870-77                      ... 86
                        Statement of shipments of opium from tho Port of Bushire in the year 1877-78... S7
                        Statement showing the number of camels, deukeys, horses, mules, Ac., which
                                                                                   c- IS3
                             passed the Bushire gates during the year 1877-78   ...   ...
                        Table showing average tonnage of vessels cutoring aud leaving the port of Bushire
                             during twelve months in 1S77   ...           ...      ... SO
                        Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other articles
                             of trade imported into Bunder Abbas during the year 1877 ...  ... 99
                        Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principaljind other
                             articles of trade exported from Bunder Abbas during tbe year 1877  ... 94
                        ContraM»-d Statement showing tbe value and description of goods imported into
                              Bunder Abbas during tuc years 1S70-77  • ••          ... 97
                        Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
                              Bunder Abbas during the years 1876-77                • ••  99
                        Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of principal and other article*
                              of trade imported into Liugah during the year 1877   ... 99
                        Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                              articles of trade exported from Lingah during the year 1877...  ... 10*
                        Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of good* imported into
                              Lingah during the year* 1876-77             • ••     ... 108
                         Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported from
                              Liugah during the years 1876-77   ...       • ••     ••• 11
                         Attract Table showing the total estimated value of the princip  al and other
                              articles of trade imported into Bahrein during tile year 1877  ... 112
                         Abstract Table showing the total estimated value of the principal and other
                              articles of trade exported from Bahrein during the year 1877   ••• 1
                         Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods imported into
                              Bahrein during the year* 1876-77   ...   • ••  • •• -   ••• 1
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