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                                      Year 1877-78.

                              No. 130, dated Busliire, 8th July 1878.
                    From—Lieut.-Col. E. C. Ross, Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
                    To—A. C. Ltall, Esq., Secy, to the Govt, of India, Foreign Dept,
                  I have the honor to transmit, for the information of Ilis Excellency
              the Governor-General in Council, the Administration Rqiort of this Resi­
             dency, with that of the Muscat Political Agency, for the year 1S77-7S.
                 2. The Report is divided into parts as follows
                  Part I.—General Report.
                 Appendix A.—On climate of Bushire and Meteorological Tables.
                 Appendix B.—Resume of recent geographical and other researches,
             with a map illustrative of the river system of Furs, &c.
                 Appendix C.—Persian Government Postal Tariff.
                 Appendix D.—Tables of Persian weights, measures, money, &c.
                 Part II.—Report on tbe trade of the Persian Gulf.
                 Appendix A.—Memorandum on the pearl fisheries of the Gulf by
             Captain E. L. Durand.
                 Appendix B.—Memorandum on date culture by Mr. J. C. Edwards.
                 Appendix C.—Tabular Statistics of the trade compiled by Mr.
             G. Lucas.
                 Part III.—General Report of the Muscat Political Agency.
                 Part IV.—Trade Report of the Muscat Political Agency.
                 3. I should feel obliged if you would cause me to be supplied witb
             ten printed copies of the Report.
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