Page 387 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 387


                            Route from Lar to Shiraz.—(Concluded.)

                  Staoks.                                  Rehikii.
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               4. Dinara       3    12  N.W.      Level road, at 12 miles a rivulet; cele­
                                                   brated for tobacco; grain of various
                                                   kinds cultivated. Drinking water
                                                   from tank.
               5. Juyuin       3    12 N. by W__  Water from fvanots. Grain, cotton,
                                                   tobacco cultivated.
               6. A Caravanserai  5i  21  N.W.    At two miles from Jnyum enter stony
                                                   bill path. Well of bad water aud
               7. Jab rum      6    20  N.W.      All hill pass and difficult. In some
                                                   places road lias been mado and re­
                                                   paired, but much is very bad. Water
                                                   from wells. There are extensive date
                                                   groves at Jahruin. Its '* Shahsni"
                                                   dates are renowned. Good grain
               8. Slicinsabad ...  2  8  N.       Over plain.
               9. Mukfcalc     3    12  N.W.      From two miles from Shemsabad be­
                 (Caravanserai.)                   comes stony and billy. Cross near
                                                   that place Gallish river with little
                                                   water in hot weather. It joius the
                                                   Kir-Karxin, Dizguh river.
              10. Taduan       3   12   N.N.W. ...  Over waterless plain. Taduon situated
                                                   on bend of the river which flows
                                                   from Markimn-i-Zinyan N.W. of
                                                   Shiraz to Kbor Ziarct S. of Boshire.
                                                   Collivalion of grain fruit. Ac.
              11.  Asman-gird ...   2  8  W.N.W. ...  Level road. Diver on left.
              12.  Kbafr       2    8    Ditto   Mostly plain. River on left. In the
                                                   Boolook of Khafr many kinds of
                                                   grain and much rice grown.
              13. Caravanserai...  4  16  W. by N....  Over plain. River to left
              14. Abadah       5   20            Over plain. River flows eastward from
                 (Caravanserai.)                   Kcwar, and at Abadah tarns south.
                                                   Its water is very good.
              15. Buraki-Bala...  2 12  N.W.     Over plain. Drinking water has U be
                                                   brought from a farsakb off.
              16.  Caravauseral...   2  8  N.W. by W. Good road.
                 of Baba HajL
              17.  Sblras      8   20  N.N.W. ... Good road.
                    17 Stages, 222 mill
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