Page 385 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 385


                        Appondix B.—Aooompanimont Wo. L
                        Route from Bush ire to Lar and Shiraz.
          Vide accompanying Map. From surveys by Ilaji Mirza Soyyid Hassan.

              Stages.               direction.        Remarks.
                          2     a
           L Gurak         4   16  E.S.E.    Cross marsh. Road level. Water from
                                               wells. Wheat, hurley, Ac., cultivated
                                               aud dependent on rainfalL
          2. Ahram         3*  14  E. by S. ...  Good road. Pass nullah containing
             (Chief town of                    water, the overflow of the Abram
             Tengistan.)                       stream which proceeds from springs.
                                               Drinking water at Abram is from
                                               small stream, nnd unpalatable and
                                               unwholesome. Wheat and barley
                                               and cotton cultivation, irrigated by
                                               streams. Supplies.
          5. Kbonnuj       4   16  S.E. by S.  Level road; no rivers. Drinking water
             (Chief town of                    from wells. Wheat and barley
             Dashti.)                          “Bakhs,” i.e^ dependent on rainfalL
                                               Melons,cotton and cucumbers watered
                                               from spring. Supplies nbuudant
          4. Mankal        3   12  S.E. by S.  Road level. Pass sulphury springs.
                                               Water from wells. Cultivation
                                               MBakhs.M Mankal is near foot of
                                               Koh-i-Kbaki or KakL
          5. Sana          3   12  EB.E.     Road leveL Sana is situated close to
                                               River Munch, which flows into sea at
                                               Kho-i-Ziarot It has its source N. W.
                                               of Shiraz (the ancient Silakus).
          6. Shunbah       3   12  S.E.      Road easy. River to right Koh-l*
                                               Kartang to N. of Shunbah. Cultiva­
                                               tion ** Babbs.”
          7. Baghan        4   16  EB.E.     Rood good. Come to river near Baghan.
                                               Crossing diScult In winter and spring.
                                               Grain and fruits grown. Irrigation
                                               by streams.
          8. Ris          4    16  8.E. by S.  Road mountainous. River at Ris to
                                               right at Ris. Grain and fruits. Irri­
                                               gation trj streams.
          9. Jam          6*   26  S.E. k 8. ...  Rood over hills. Difflcull la parts.
                                               River to right Cultivation grain
                                               fruit Irrigation by streams.
          10. Tengd-KQ and   4  16  E2.S.   ...  Hilly, difficult road.
             Cheshm ah • i -

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