Page 413 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 413

                                                  THE YEAR 1877-78.
                       MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY IOR
                              of the date they purchase, as  prices are invariably
            to know the name
                                                   regulated thereby.  As an
               Kbarek-l-Klmnojri                   exam pie, I marginally   enn-
                                                   morale the species of dates
               Kftbkab                             received as samples from the
               Hand*                               Chief of Dash tee, which may
                                                   be said to comprise about all
                                                   the varieties found in this
               Kantar                      UijJ    plain,but in Bahrein, Kutecf,
                                                   El Hassa, and Busreb there
                                                   are a great many more kinds,
                Maktab                             all distinguishable by sepa­
               Khush-Kliarclc                      rate appellations.
                Shckh AH                              Prices of dates vary in
                                                   the ratio of 1 to 4.
                Kbara                      3)^        The best description comes
                                                    from El Hassa known as
                                                    Khelas (     )• These are
                Cbebal-Oazal                        packed in skins of 70 to
                                                    120 lbs., and this year may
                                                    be priced at the average rate
                Nirini                              of 15 krans per 124 lbs.
                Shall uni                             The next in quality is the
                                                              ) Kharek-pukhtah
                                                    from Busreh, valued at about
                Siai                                12 krans per 124 lbs.

                Hash                                  The Hallow         from
                                          .         Busreh claims attention next,
                                        3™ 1—       and is seldom suflicient for
                                                    the demand. Value ranges
              from 6 to 7 krans per basket of about 140 lbs.
                  The Zahidi       i8 about the same price ns the Hallow ji,
              and is procurable at Busreb.

                  The Saraeran eJLtr**-* > from Busreh, is veiy common, and commands
              between 4 and 5 kraus per basket of 140 lbs.

                  These prices would only stand good for this year, as each year the
              price is regulated, fint, by the quantity forthcoming, secondly9 by the
              demand, and thirdly, by the craft available for export.
                  The kran is worth from 6 to 7 annas Indian currency according to
              rate of exchange.

              . Tb© date palm is a source of great help to the poor. They feed on
              its droppings from May to September, and keep the produce as food for
              the next seven months; the branches supply them with fuel and material
              tor hotting, the fruit branches when divested of the fruit are used aa
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