Page 453 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 453

                                          No. 10.

             Contrasted Statement showing the value and description of goods im­
                        ported into Bush ire during the years 1870-77.

                                                 Fox Tax yxaxo
                                                              Increase In   Decrease la
                            Class.                              1877.   1877.
                                                1876.   1877.

                                                 Bm.    Bt.             Bt,
             Animals, living ...                  4.800   8.250
             Arms and ammunition                  fi.tnO  14.900
             Caudle*     ...                      6,000  49.500
             Canvas, conntrj                      3.000   1.000           2,000
             Cattle                                        300
             Chnnam and lime                     30.000   11,000         19,000
             Clocks and watches ...               6.U00   0.000
             Cocoanuia   ...                      2.100   3,000
             Coffee      ...                     20.436  27.200
             Coir and coir rope ...               0,000  12,000
             Confectionery                        3.200   4,900
             Colton goods                       20,24.000  6,11 ,OW     15,13,000
             Masulipatam piece-goods              70.000  40,000         30.000
             Thread and twist ...                 81.000                 81.000
             Cotton, raw                          4,000                   4,000
             Dates                                60,4*50  20,000        30.400
             Date juice                           4,000  "f&,700          4,000
             Drucs and medicines                  23,7#)
             Dyeing and colouring material        4,000   3.S*j0           200
             Kart ben-ware                        5.200   2,600           2.050
             Fruits and vegetable*                11,600   *'”8,000      11,900
             Foci                                20.120                  12,120
             Furniture                            3,«»X1                  3.W0
             Gla«i and glass-ware                 l9.-119 J   ”*<y>vi    11.513
             Grain and pulse                      8AW) I   1.200          7,300
             111'lcH and skins                    O.c- o !                9,000
             Indigo                              2.1C.OTO  3,50.000   1,31.000
             Jute, manufactures of                91/«»  1,2 ?>0   37,:v»
             Leather, manufactnrcs of              OK)    1.500    i»»
             Lemons, dry                          3.00   20,WO   23,i>X>
               „ juice                             100                     100
             Liquors ...                          35.C00                 36,000
             Lncifers                             2 AX)    COO            L*00
             Mata                                 19.2‘JO   3-.3.0  20,100
             Metals ...   __                     4.G9.0.0  3,01,300      78,300
             Millstone                                     165     165
             Dil   ...   ...                      8,800   7,400           1,400
             Opium ...                            3,000   8.0U0   6,000
             Perfumery                             100                  ’ 100
             Porcelain and Cblnaware              32.000  0,000          23/WO
             Provisions and oilman stores        36,350  82.000  ‘*43,630
             fait                                  600    2,000
             f££,h* ~     ™                       2,600    300            2^00
             Silk, manufactures of
             Spices ...                          1,19.500  1,33/100  12^00
             Stationery   ...                     6,400                 *T4nO
             Sugar-candy                          3,000  ” 1.000          2.000
              m crushed                                  18 J000  “i'iooo
              • loaf                             6,66,175  10/50,700  Mi»  *>fiO0
             rSL!*„      z                         COO                     600
                                                  27AOO  -lion#          llfioo
             Tobacco *"                           2,500   l/MO
             Timber snd wood                      tJfiOO  20,900          200
             Wax. bees                             460                     400
             Woollen goods                       1,41,400  Hiooo         «.4»
             Other kinds                          23,*»                  ».43t
                                Total           4U4ff»  *wn*    V*X»    lWM
                                Specie           lpOJOO*
                            Grand Total M       4       BJB7*114
   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458