Page 454 - PERSIAN 1 1873_1879 Admin Report1_Neat
P. 454

                                                         XTo. IL

                           Contracted Statement showing the value and description of goods exported
                                         from Bushire during the gears 1870-77*

                                                               FOI TDK TSAIS
                                                                             Increase In  Decrease !■
                                                                               1077.    1677.
                                                               1878.   1877.
                                                               St.     St.     St.     St.
                            Animals, living   ...              1,21,600  61,300         W.SOO
                           Apparel ...   ...                     6,200                   W
                            Arms and ammunition                 10,000  26,000  10,000
                            Candles ...                           60                      SO
                            Cattle .M                                    3,600   3,600
                            Coffee                              10,000   8,500           iA»
                            Coir and coir rope ...                       8.200   8,200
                            Confect ion ery, preserree            200     890     680
                            Cotton goods                        66,700   3,05,000   2,38,300
                            Cotton, raw                         GO,000   13.83,370   13,23,370
                            Dates                               30,518   C6.000   35,482
                            Drugs and medicines   ssl           48,600   30,710         17,960
                            Dyeing and colouring materials      67,000  15.760          41,240
                            Fruits and vegetables              1,79,700  1,25,020       M.0M
                            Grain and pulse                    0,55,330  11,63,tOO   4,63.070
                            Gum, Persia                          8,000   8,120    120
                            Hides and skins                     13,500                  13,500
                            Indigo                                •100   0.200   6.800
                            Jute, manufactures of                4,160  11,50.1  7,340
                            Leather, manufactures of             3/00   17,100  14,100
                            Lemons, dry                          2,000                   2,600
                            Liquors •—   ...   .<                1,000   3,700   2,100
                            Loelfers ...                         1,000    100             900
                            Metals                              37,400  21,100          16A»
                            Oils                                  370     600     130
                            Opium ...                         20,67,000   33,41,000  12,87,000
                            Perfumery                           37 AX)   17,200         20/M
                            Oilman stores, provision            40 ,843   47,400  6.611
                            Seeds                               73.100   1/57,860  04,780
                            Bilk, manufactures of               20,000                  20.000
                            811k, raw —                        2,00,000   1,20,000     V80.000
                            8 piece   —                         20/00   16.300           4.6»
                            Sugar —                             25.000   28,000  Moo
                            Tallow -                             4,180   1,000
                            Ten                                  2,000   2,560    600
                            Tobacco —   ~.                      23,600  20,000           *A»
                            Was.'beea _   ~                     16.000   7,200           9,400
                            Wool w      w     tH                15.000  18,000   tfiOO
                            Woollea goods   M                           33,700
                            AU other kinds not Included above   33/00   11,200          2*J»

                                            Total                     70,06,610  31*80,630  MW*
                                            •peels             l»P0fl00  TPOfiOO       12.00/®

                                        Oraad Total                                    17,#^*0
                                                              «0PA808  77 ,35,640  84*80,020
   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457   458   459