Page 120 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 120

108                        Records of Bahrain


                     14.    With regard to B.    Boforo tha election for the present
                     Municipal Council in Manair.i took place (about a month ago), the
                     Shaikh had already agreed (before the recent agitation) to an
                     incroaso in representation of the Baharinah (vide paragraph
                     7 (b) of Colonel Loch's letter of 18th I'obruary)«  In Manama
                     where there are a large number of Baharinah this representation

                     wae increased up to equality with the Arabs,    Thero were
                     rumours that the Baharinah would not bo satisfied with this
                     increase and would refuse to vote*    When, however, it came
                     to the x^oint thoy votod In greater strength than ever before,
                     Tho noxt Municipal election is not for another two years so
                     this particular demand of the Baharinah is not an urgent one.

                     16.    With regard to C. -Education,      This important matter
                     is touched on in paragraph 7 (c) of Colonel Eooh's letter of

                     18th February and will require further and oareful considera­

                     16.    Apart from the actual details of what concessions are to
                     be made -to the bahurlnah, it is most advisable that the Shaikh
                     as well as his relatives (v/ho have conoid or able local

                     influence) should be acquainted with the general facts of tho
                     situation as they appear to Hie Majesty's Government, and I
                     propose, subject to the approval of the Government of India,
                     at the first opportunity to have a serious talk with the
                     Shaikh and the more important members of his family on the
                     following lines:

                            That I have reported to His Majesty's Government at
                     length on tho Baharinah question, and that I am instructed to
                     convey the following mensago verbally to His Excellency Shaikh
                     Sir llamad bin 'Isa Al Khalifah.   That however well adapted
                     purely autocratic methods muy have boon to conditions in the
                     past, times have now changed and governments must now depend,
                                                                   to /
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