Page 126 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 126
114 Records of Bahrain
k i
D. 0.No:C/15-1.b/5. 7th January 1936.
V/ill you kindly refer to the second paragraph of your
telegram No:1045 dated the 24th December 1935 regarding the
Baharinah question, I am replying demi-officially as 1 can only
give an outline of the matter at present.
2. Owing to Bataadhan and the absence of Shaikh ’Abdullah
bin ’Isa (whose help is advisable) on the mainland, I have had
to delay talking the matter over with the Shaikh.
3. The position at present is that there are two fudges
sitting together in the Lower Bahrain Court, and three Judges
(sitting together) on the Sunni and tv/o (now sitting together)
on the Shi’ah Shara’ Courts. Arrangements are being made to
get a third Judge for the Shi’ah Shara’ Court (see the corres-
pondence ending with your telegram No:1025 dated the 19th
December 1935).
4. Belgrave has for some tinvs left as much of the Upper
Court work as possible to the second Judge (Shaikh Salman bin
Hamad till he went on leave, and hoy/ Shaikh ’Abdullah bin Hamad),
but the fact that he is so much absent from the Court is the
subject of some local comment. I propose, as soon as Shaikh
’Abdullah bin 'Isa returns, to try to get his support for the
proposals discussed with you on the 22nd November 1935 (a) that
there should be (in addition to the Adviser) two Judges on the
Upper Court v/ho would settle the lesser cases, but would sit
with the Adviser on important cases, (b) that the Adviser and
}utenant-Colonel T.C.Fov/le, C.B.E.,
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,