Page 159 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 159
1 LI
Agitation for reform, 1938 147
acknowledgos that they need instruction. He proposes to
complete tlio work of composing a Code of Laws for Bahrain
and I enclooo a copy of a letter which I have received from
him asking assistance in obtaining expert aid for the two
purposes mentioned.
Commentt- His Highness is undoubtedly right in
rejecting a demand for a partially elected judiciary. In
the circumstances of Bahrain there are great advantages in
selecting the magistrates from the A1 Khalifah family, but
they undoubtedly need instruction. The completion of the
Bahrain Code, which is in effect a collection of Standing
Rules and Orders, is of vital importance, but it must, in
ray opinion, be supplemented by simple Criminal and Civil
Codes. I gather that the Bahrain Government themselves hold
this view, for it is recognised that ignorance of elementary
principles of procedure has led to conflicting decisions in
similar casec and has been ono of the main causes of complaint
by the public. Expert aid is unquestionably required for the
preparation of these Codes and I suggest that an attempt be
made to obtain the temporary services of two retired magistrates
or judges from Egypt or the Sudan, one of whom will devote his
time to this task while the other gives practical instruction
to the A1 Khalifah magistrates both in and outside the Courts.
(iii) Baladivah
His Highness considers that the matters complained of
should be dealt with by the Municipal Councils themselves.
Comment:- Y/ith this view I agree; I may add that there
are few foreigners permanently employed by the Municipalities.
(iv) Labour Committee
Hie Highness wishes to appoint one person as a Bahrain
Government representative with the Bahrain Petroleuip Company
to act as a go-between in discussions botweon the Company