Page 177 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 177
Petitions of loyalty to the Ruler 165
No . MS-ILL of 1357
Office of the Advisor to
tho Government. Bahrain
Dated, 27th Dul Qad,1357
Jany# 10, 1939,
The Advisor to tho Government of Bahrain,
Persian Gulf,
His Britannic Majesty1s Politioal Agent,
Persian Gulf#
I have the honour to inform you that for
the last throe weeks deputations of Shia Bahama
from all the villages in Bahrain havoheen_ap
pearing in person and presenyng petitions to His
Highness Shaikh Hamad affirming their loyalty to
His HighnesB and his Government and expressing
thoir content with present conditions in Bahrain
and disclaiming any connection with the group of
Manama Bahama who have in the past olaimed that
they represent the whole Bahama community#
Some of the deputations have stated speoifioally
that the person mainly responsible for oreating
trouble in their community is tho ex-Kadi Shaikh
Abdulla bin Mohammad Saleh and all of them have
stated emphatically that they do not want any form
of oounoil and are not seeking for places in pub-
lio bodies, they declare that their interests and
religious rights are better preserved under the
present regime than over in the past and they are
satisfied and content#