Page 183 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 183
Demands Jor reform, 1935, 1938-1939 171
government of bahra,
I 0 .'Uii. K»J;i ^
> \* is*+j i • r a—i j -x_oi No. 1038-6A. of 1353
Offloe of the Adyiser to
^VfJI 4 »j\ the Government, Bahrain
>r i <,s j * ef j/** Dated, Dul Haj 4. 1353
liar oh 9, 1935,
•i nro^LfV
Xy—J' ly^yUi The Adyiaer to
the Goyernment of Bahrain
•OtrvJL. Bahrain.
^ iJ-ij i J L*~JI «w->-L^t>ll H. B. M's Political Agent
— CkT'^’'- Persian Gulf.
j l - S—*" I 1 have the honour to inform you that
^ijl v-~>-La (jl His Exoellonoy Shaikh Sir Hamad bin Ion
\Sr* e- * </ * O'. al Khalifah, K.C.I.E • » C.S.I., has decided
v^-_c jj» jj j \jsT*crl • ij* to appoint the following persons as a
ijt, U-i oommittoe to deal with the oodifying of
JjjLaJI L—> the proclamations issued by the Goyernment
* • of Bahrain during his rule:-
e> uv9^
• 1 i Shaikh Sulman bin Shoikh Hamad
al Khalifah.
ii Khan Sahob Yusuf bin Ahmad Kanoo
C.I.E., M.B.E., K.I.H.,
e?vf> c^vry iii Haj Manaoor bin Haj Mohammad
Hussein Areyth.
* .r UJI Cr. fjWI * r
2. Unfortunately, Haj Mansoor is, at
present, in India but it is hoped that he
will return for the Bahrain diying season;
*-)**.*< if J^a L>J1 dJpl
if it is found that he is not returning,
a substitute will haye to be appointed.
* *Jj«4 L»Sb
3. His Exoellenoy Shaikh Sir Hamad bin
f'tbl <ula_/JI «»_- I-01 \ ’•
Ibo al Khalifah, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., is