Page 198 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 198

186                       Records of Bahrain


                            D.O, No. C/667-1.b/5            Dated the 29th October 1938.

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                             -<L    —  -/j   f /KJLA* cA •w'VN-/    cr.:;Fi3i:ni:»L rxcosos^
                                    In continuation of my letter No. C/666 dated the
                             27th October 1938 on the subject of agitation in Bahrain,

                             I forward herewith^as a matter of interest^copies of the
                             two latest reports that I have received.
                               2.   This stuff need not be taken too seriously, for,
                             apart from the portion dealing with Courts, it does not
                             represent^real public demand for change,  It can, I think,
                             be more truly described as kite-flying to enlist the support
                             of certain shady gentry with private grievances and private


                                                                 Yours sincerely,


                      i? Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel

                          Sir Trenchard Powle, K.C.I.E.  j  C.B.E*,,
                                  Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,

                                                     u S(c .

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