Page 202 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 202


                      190                       Records of Bahrain

                                           onc of the tax-collectors i3 distilling Araq
                                           for him in the Municipality Garden,  The Muni-
                                           cipallty materials are used for the repairs
                                           and building the houses of his boys,  Tho Muni-
                                           cipallty car is always used by him for his pri­
                                           vate affairs and the coat of petrol consumed
                                           is charged to the Baladiyeh.   For example, a
                                           contract was given to a certain man for filling

                                           up half of the pond situated behind the Mission
                                           Hospital for Rs. 3000/-, whereas for the other
                                           half, which the Secretary undertook to fill up,
                                           charged Rs. 11000/- and the work has not Jjet

                                           been completed. It is said that before the de­
                                           parture of the Adviser on leave to England a
                     hey have been on 8    dispute arose between the Secretary and the
                     ostile terms for 8
                      long time. I     5   Cashier of the Municipality. The latter re­
                     U9pect the latter
                     3 responsible for     ported to the Adviser and told him that he
                     ost of this stuff.
                                           could prove the amounts which have been embezzle:

                                           by the Secretary who, as soon as he heard about
                                           the Cashier's complaint,went to Mr. Narayan,
                                           Adviser's Secretary, who helped him in getting
                                           the matter dropped. Mr. Narayan supports the
                                           Secretary in every respect. Every year a
                                           certain amount of money i3 allotted in the

                                           Budget for expenditure but the Secretary always
                                           exceeds the allotment and the accounts are not
                                            checked by the Accounts Cdnunitteo who pa33
                                            every item of expenditure without scrutiny..
                                            The Secretary shows privately all the official
                                            correspondence of the Municipality to Ahmad

                                            Fakhroo and takes his advice on which ho acts.
                                            All materials requi *ed by the Municipality are

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