Page 218 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 218
206 Records oj Bahrain
polioy of the Bahrain Government towardo looal agitation, and
hero Weightraan, supported by Bolgravo (whom I askod Weightman
to consult), la of one opinion and I am of anothor. Briefly
I think that* not now but in the oouroo of the next year or
oop we ehall moat probably hare to advise the Bhaikh, $nd hie
familyi to have an Advioory council, nominated by him, while
yeightraan and Melgravo are strongly oguinot BUoh a step, and
are of the opinion that Bahrain can do without any Council at
all "for yearn to come"# The problem as you will seo is not
urgent, but aa I ehall oeaoe to be Keaident within a few months
from now I think It ae well to leave behind me some record of
thie important matter for the benefit of my ouooesaor, ae well
ob of the India Office and of the Oovemment of India*
5* Weightman*a and Bolgrave’s views, which as they come
from experienced men on the spot must be givon weight, ores
(a) That any preoouro from us to form a Counoil - even an
AdviBory one nominated by the Bhaikh - would be moot unpopular
with the a1 IChallfah Family, and would make ub equally un
popular with them, whereas at present they are extremely loyal
and friendly to^usw The Family have alroady diaouaied the
question amongBt themselves, and regard the formation of a
Council as the end or tne Al Khal if ah rule in Bahrain.
(b) By far the greater majority of the people of Bahrain
do not want a Counoil, the demand for whioh is oonfined to a
small minority oknslstlng mostly of young men belonging to the
Youth Movement, (there is one in Bahrain) and »Holia»ri.e.
Persians domiciled in Bahrain. In support of tnis , inter alia
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Welghtmon has forwarded a communication from B.elgraveto the
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