Page 82 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 82

70                         Records of Bahrain


                                            lt, and now that it to rloh we rejoice
                                            with you, but riches have brought dangero
                                            aa groat an tho poverty of former time a*
                                            While you have grown rioh your Bubjeota

                                            have grown poor, and owl ng to the daoay
                                            of the pearl trade moat of the Bahrain
                                            merohanta have been ruined* 1 am aware
                                             that Your Highneoa io not reaponalble
                                            for their ruin, but when they aee a

                                            family already very wealthy orylng out
                                             for more and more money their diooontont
                                             will increase until it beoomea dangerous*
                                             Laet year there wore attacks on Bahrain
                                             in the Iraqi Preoe, where they eald

                                             that the ShaikhB of this ooaat received
                                             great euma in oil Royaltlea and did
                                             nothing for their subjects* In faat
                                             I had to aek Hlo Excellency the Ambaeead-
                                             or to oheok the bo attacks* This year

                                             when Shaikh Muhammad bin lea went to
                                             the mainland at the Id a merchant Bald
                                             to me "Look, he has bought two new
                                            motor oare, but he has to go to the
                                             mainland to eeoape Id expenses hero".
                                             I do not oare to hear remarks like these

                                             and told him so but 1 am afraid there
                                             are in any who think in this way*
                                             6«     It would be very dangerous to
                                             touoh the one third set aside for the

                                             reeerve, for if it ie onoe touched it
                                                                          / will
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