Page 83 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 83

Financial arrangements of the ruling family, 1940-1941  71
                                      - 6 —

                                      will Boon cease to be the reserve*
                                      Thin 1,b the anchor of the State and

                                      you will need It in the storms that
                                      lio ahead of ue. livery year
                                      tremendous quantities of oil leave
                                      the Boil of Buhrain, never to return,
                                      and it 1b essential that soma of the

                                      profits should be kept for the future*
                                      Apart from this, the Income Itself is
                                      very vulnerable for a bomb, whloh God
                                      forbid, or a fire or even lack of

                                      ships may reduoe it or perhaps stop
                                      it altogether and then Bahrain will
                                      be left with an .inoorae of ten lakhs
                                      or less from Customs, whloh Itself
                                      would soon dwindle away now that the
                                      pearl trade Is ruined. 1 myself
                                      have alwayo thought that the one

                                      third share now enjoyed by Your High­
                                      ness was too great and was about to
                                      aok you If you oould see your way to
                                      reduoe lt« In Iraq, as you are

                                      probably aware, the oil revenues
                                      are only used for capital expenditure
                                      e«g. on bridges and railways, and
                                      are not UBed for normal expenditure
                                      at all*

                                      7*     To oonolude, therefore, if
                                      Your Highness wishes to increase the
                                      emoluments of the al Khalifa ( whose
                                                            / income
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