Page 283 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf - Vol II) 1907-1953
P. 283
with by a joint court, on which you and the Political Agent, Bahrein, will sit, or on
which your representative and the representative of (he Political Agent, Bahrein
will sit. The place and the sitting of this court will be at Doha.
4. His Majesty’s Government agree to what you explained to me verbally,
i.e., that the subjects of Koweit, Bahrein and the Trucial Coast should come under
your jurisdiction, but that all other British-protected persons should come under
the joint court.
5. In your letter you requested that your son Hamad should be recognised
by His Majesty’s Government as your successor. His Majesty’s Government agree
to this request, provided that Hamad now agrees to accept on his accession the
Treaty of 1916.
6. In your letter you further asked that His Majesty’s Government should
accord yourself and Hamad, when the latter succeeded you, full support. You
explained to me verbally that what you meant by this was full support in internal
matter. His Majesty’s Government are unable to accord you the measure of
support you ask for, since this would involve an undesirable degree of interference
in your administration. His Majesty’s Government, however, are prepared to
support you and your successors in any difficulties arising from the presence of
the oil company. In other matters which concern you, the Government will not
7. It is understood, of course, that the above arrangements are subject to
your granting the oil concession, about which the Anglo-Persian Oil Company have
been negotiating, to that company.
(Paragraph 40)
Note defining the Area of the Sea-bed off Qatar in which Shell Overseas
Exploration Co. are permitted to operate—1952
(1) On the South-West
From the point at the outer limits of territorial waters off the West coast of
Qatar at latitude 25° 30' North, westwards to point M (the Southern limit of the
1947 Line) at the same latitude.
(2) On the West
From point M along the 1947 Line to its northernmost point. This point was
in 1947 the position of the Bahrain Light Vessel and its exact location is 046i° true
28-05 nautical miles from the point at latitude 26° 14 1' North, longitude
50° 35-2' East.
(3) On the North-West
From the northernmost point of the 1947 line to the point at latitude 27° North,
longitude 51 ° 2(/ East.
(4) On the North-East
From the point at latitude 27° North, longitude 51° 2CT East, South-eastwards
to the point at latitude 25° 42' North, longitude 52° 50' East.
(5) On the East .
From the point at latitude 25° 42' North, longitude 52° 50' East to the point
at latitude 25° North, longitude 52° 20' East.
(6) On the South
From the point at latitude 25° North, longitude 52° 20' East to the point a
latitude 24° 45' North, longitude 52° East; thence westwards at the same latitude
to the territorial waters’ limits off the East coast of Qatar.
(7) On the landward side the limits of the area are the outer limits of the territorial
waters of Qatar.