Page 289 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf - Vol II) 1907-1953
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                             (iv)  be able to produce-satisfactory evidence that he has adequate means
                                   of subsistence and that he is not likely to become a financial
                                   burden to the State;
                              (v)  be prepared to relinquish permanently any other nationality he
                                   may possess at the time of his application.
                   7. Fees
                       Persons granted Qatar Nationality will be required to pay a fee of Rs.25/-
                   (twenty-five) for each person.

  ■                8. Punishment
                       Any person who knowingly makes any false statement or declaration in
  !                connection with obtaining Qatar Nationality for himself or any other person and
                   any persons who aids, abets, counsels or procures any person in the making of
                   such false statement or declaration shall be liable, upon conviction, to be
                   imprisoned for a period not exceeding one year or to a fine not exceeding Rs.2,000/-
                   (two thousand) or to both.
                                                       (Signed)     RULER OF QATAR.

                   DI5th Rajab, 1370
                       i.e. 12 April 1951

                                                               FOREIGN OFFICE, S.Y7.1.
                                                                      August 2, 1955*

                      (HA 1672/4)
                         Dear Sir Bernard,
                               We find that on page 137 (paragraph 14) of the
                         "Historical Summary of the Events in the Persian Gulf
                         Sheikhdoms and the Sultanate of r.useat and Oman, 1928-1953",
                         forwarded to you under ewer of Foreign Office coiapliments
                         slip 3A 1672/2. of March 8, it is stated that no nationality
                         law has bocn issued by the Ruler of Qatar, It appears that
                         at the time the Historical Summary was compiled, the
                         Nationality Regulations issued by the Rulor of Qatar on
                        April 10, 1951 v/cre overlooked,
                            2, The first sentence of paragraph 74 on page 137 of
                         the Summary should therefore be amended to rcad:-

                               "74* A nationality lav; was issued by the Ruler in
                                1951 (Appe n d ix I).11
                      — We enclose the Regulations, printed a3 Appendix I* for
                         insertion in Volume 2 of the Summary as pages 272(a) ana ^ '*
                        Appendix I should also be added to the lists of Appendic
                         on page (IX) of Volume 1 and page 208 (Appendices to
                         Chapter 4) of Volume 2,
                                                          Yours sincerely,

              Sir Bernard Reilly, K.C.M.G.,C.I,E.,       (C.T. E. Ev/art-Biggs)
                         Colonial Office.
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