Page 302 - Historical Summaries (Persian Gulf - Vol II) 1907-1953
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                                       APPENDIX P
                              Sharjah Red Oxide Concession- -1935
                                       (Paragraph 157)
                  Concession Agreement signed between the Ruler of Sharjah and
                        Commander R. C. Bayldon, dated January 28, 1935
               An Agreement made the twenty-eighth day of January One thousand nine
           hundred and thirty-five between Sheik Sultan bin Sagar of Sharjah on the Trucial
           Coast of Arabia (hereinafter called “ the Sheik ” which expression shall include his
           heirs successors and assigns) of the one part and Commander Robert Corbett
           Bayldon R.N. (Retired) of Giilots House Henley-on-Thames in the County of Oxon
           England (hereinafter called “ the Commander ” which expression shall include his
           successors in title and assigns) of the other part whereby it is agreed as follows: —
               1.  In consideration of the sum of Six thousand rupees paid by the
           Commander to the Sheik as to the sum of Five hundred rupees on the Seventh day
           of September One thousand nine hundred and thirty-four (as the Sheik hereby
           acknowledges) and the sum of Five thousand five hundred rupees (the balance of
           the said sum of Six thousand rupees) on the signing hereof (the receipt whereof the
           Sheik hereby acknowledges) the Sheik hereby grants to the Commander his heirs
           successors and assigns for the period of tv/enty-one British years from the date
           hereof but subject as hereinafter mentioned the sole and exclusive right to search
           for work excavate mine or otherwise recover and export any Red Oxide of Iron
           which may be situate in the Islands of Musa and Sir Abu Na’Air in the Persian
           Gulf the property of the Sheik the Commander to pay to the Sheik by way of
           royalty for all such Red Oxide as may be exported from the said Islands the sum of
           Two rupees for every British ton.
               2.  This Agreement and the rights hereinbefore granted shall remain in full
           force and effect for the period aforesaid or so long only as the Commander shall
           pay to the Sheik by way of royalty the minimum sum of Two thousand rupees in
           any one British calendar year calculated from the date of this Agreement and
           whether any such Red Oxide shall have been exported by the Commander or not.
           The first of such payments to be made within three British calendar months from
           the date of the signing of this Agreement and subsequent payments thereafter
           annually. Any payments made under this Agreement shall be deemed to have
           been made on the date of the posting by registered letter by the Commander to the
           Sheik of the amount due in cash or currency notes or by handing the same to the
           Sheik and in the case of the payment being made by post the production of a
           British Post Office receipt for such registered letter shall be final and conclusive
           evidence of such payment but in the event of any such registered letter being lost
           in the post the Commander shall in due course replace the amount contained
               3.  The payment for any Red Oxide in excess of One thousand British tons
           covered by the said minimum payment of Two thousand rupees exported in any
           one British year calculated from the date of this Agreement shall be calculated
           upon the tonnage agreed upon as correct between the Sheik and the Commander
           and the Sheik will send a representative to be present when such Red Oxide is
           shipped from the said Islands to check the tonnage exported.
               4.  In the event of the Commander for any reason whatsoever not exporting
           in any one British year One thousand tons of Red Oxide for which he may have
           made the said minimum payment of Two thousand rupees he shall be entitled to
           export in any future year the balance of the tonnage being the difference between
           One thousand tons and the actual tonnage exported by him in such year without
           further payment provided that such balance shall be in excess of the minimum for
           which Two thousand rupees is payable in any such future year.
               5.  The Sheik will maintain an Agent on the said Islands to afford assistance
           to the Commander and his employees of all kinds in all affairs relating to the
           working and recovery of the Red Oxide and its shipment and will take all
           reasonable steps so far as possible to protect any property of the Commander which
           may be or be left on the said Islands at any time.
               6.  Subject to the existing rights (if any) of any inhabitants or persons ownin«
           land or other property on the said Islands the Sheik hereby grants permission for
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