Page 373 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 373
I. Personal'.
(a) Lt.-Coloncl H. R. P. Dickson, C.I.E., I.A., held charge of the
Political Agency throughout the year.
(b) Assistant Surgeon, A. L. Greenway, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,
(Lend.), I.M.D., was in. medical charge of the Charitable Dispensary and
performed the duties of Quarantine Officer throughout the year.
II. The Ruling Family.
(a) His Excellency Shaikh Ahmad al Jabir as Sabah, has continued to
be the Ruler of Kuwait and administered the State during the year under
review with ability. He has maintained correct and friendly relations
with his neighbours-—Iraq and Saudi Arabia—inspite of the continuation
of the trade blockade, an abortive conference in Kuwait thereon and the
continuation of certain disquieting signs from Iraq which are mentioned
in the section of this Report dealing with foreign relations.
(b) His Excellency left Kuwait for a tour in Europe on the 24th of
June.. He visited Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Italy, France, England and Egypt
returning to Kuwait amid the rejoicing of the people on the 14th of
September. The tour benefited His Excellency in health and has stimu
lated his interest in things beyond the knowledge of Kuwaitis who stay at
Among ether things be acquired abroad were house property in Cairo
and an Egypto-SjTian Secretary (male) who returned with him to Kuwait
and remained here.
Apart from the honour of being received by His Majesty the late
King and the privilege accorded him of discussing certain of Kuwait’s
problems with interested Departments of the Home Government, what
pleased His Excellency most during his tour was the Naval Review and
later his view of the British Fleet in Alexandria harbour which he was
kindly shown by Air. Kelly, the then acting High Commissioner in Egypt.
(e) The obligation of His Majesty’s Government incurred towards the
Shaikh of Ruwiut in 1914 in guaranteeing freedom from taxation for his
date gardens in Iraq remains undischarged.
The sum involved grows.
III. The Political Agent’s relations with the Shaikh.
The relations between H. M.’s Political Agent and the Ruler have
continued to be correct throughout the year. A wavering from the straight
path of his obligations towards the British Government in the matter of
dealing with Oil Concessions which occurred in 1934, was the subject of an
admonitory letter forwarded to the Shaikh on 11th April 1935.
TV. Local Interests.
(a) Customs.—A full report on the imports and exports for the year
will be found in the Kuwait Trade Report, a non-oonfidential publication.
The Customs system continues uncharged and the tax on goods entering
remains at 4 per cent, ad valorem.
(5) Municipality.—No remarkable changes in the Town of Kuwait
or Kuwait or its administration have taken place during the year.