Page 493 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 493
DURING 1937.
Geological and Scisttiic.—Geological and Geophysical work continued
throughout the year in connection with the future development of the Area,
and also with the object of finding evidence of further structures. Two oil
wells were completed on the main structure and work on 4 other locations was
in hand at the end of the year.
Hoads.—The movable bridge over the Zuhra River on the Ganowah-
Gach Saran Road is now in commission, and a diversion was constructed on
this road close to the Kuh-i-Mishun, its object being to reduce the length of
the road and improve its alignment. Roads internal to the Area were cons
tructed and improved as work demanded. The road from Gach Saran to
Pazanun via Behbehan is now in regular use and it is proposed during 1938 to
construct a permanent bridge over the lvhairabad River which will convert
this road into an all-weather one. Pending the completion of this bridge
the road is closed for some 4 months during the year while the Khairabad
river is in spate. This road forms part of the new Government road from
Behbehan to Basht and so on to Kazarun, and it is of interest to note that the
Government are constructing a number of bridges on this road, one of them
being on the section used by the Company over the Sharas-i-Arab River.
An all-weather aerodrome has been constructed in the Gach Saran
Buildings.—New living quarters for all classes of employees have been
built, but these are only of a temporary nature as yet pending the final
selection of a site for the permanent establishment. A small petrol still has
been installed in the area to deal with the local demands for petrol.
Water supply.—The new Water Supply has now been completed, and
sufficient water for all needs in the Area is pumped from the Zuhra River.
Wireless Com?nunications.—The Wireless Station at Gach Saran now
contains a short wave transmitter for telegraphy and telephony, the
station at Ganowah still operating on Morse only.
Oil Reserves.—Work was continued throughout the year in the opening
up of the Southern Area with the objective of proving oil reserves in the
Gach Saran Area {N.B.—Gach Saran is the name for the area previously
called Gach Qaraguli).
The Company was successful in obtaining evidence of substantial oil
reserves, the extent of which cannot yet be estimated. Oil has been proved,
however, in sufficient quantities to justify the laying of a 12” pipeline to
connect this area with our Refinery at Abadan. Preparations are now in hand
for the laying of this line which will be completed within the next two years.
Staff.—The following British and British Indian subjects were employed
in the Area :—
35 British
15 British Indian
and the total number of British and British Indian subjects, including the
wives and children of those employed in the area — °
47 British
17 British Indian.
Welfare. At Ganowah the jetty , face has been improved to enable the
beem effected ^ °f bargCS* and some imProvcment to the quarters has also