Page 495 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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           Governor General of Fars. Both had been in forced residence at Tehran for
           some years,   An obelisk has since been erected to commemorate the Valialicl s
           first visit to Fars.
               7. The inclusion of the Qawam ul Mulk in the Shah’s suite following on
           a marriago between their children was thought to indicate designs on some ot
           the properties still owned by the family. It has long been rumoured that
           the Shah’s daughter may be brought to reside at Shiraz and villages are
           reported to have been bought or acquired by the Authorities as gifts to
               8.  An official dinner and reception were given by the Governor General
           on the occasion of the Shah’s Birthday, which His Majesty’s Consul and the
           two Vice Consuls were invited to attend in uniform. The usual No Rouz
           reception was cancelled, as it was decided to have no official or social functions
           in Muharrem. The Valiahd’s Birthday was celebrated with demonstrations
           of school-boys and Boy Scouts.
               9.  There have been no incidents during the year in which foreign sub­
           jects were involved, but there has been a falling off in the courtesy shown by
           officials to foreigners. Permits have frequently been delayed or withheld
           and social intercourse has been restricted in accordance with orders from
           Tehran. The boycott of the Consulate has been intensified and has been
           extended from officials to other notables, most of whom were instructed to
           stay away from a Garden Party held to celebrate the Coronation of King
           George VI, though some of them had already accepted the invitation. Spe­
           cial permission was given to a junior employee of the Education Department
           to teach Persian to the Vice-Consul. Persons who were formerly friendly
           with the Indian Pro-Consul have been warned to avoid him. The Covcrnor
           General admits that instructions on these matters have been received but
           states that they have reference to social contacts only and not to business
           dealings such as could affect the Imperial Bank of Iran or trade relations.
           These matters have affected all foreigners equally and no longer seem to be
           inspired solely by the local military authorities.
               10.  The unveiling of women is now a thing of the past. The “ chaddur ”
           is practically never seen and more or less European clothing, is now universal­
           ly worn by men and women of all classes who appear in public. The Shah’s
           Birthday reception might have been in some Eastern European Capital,
           but it was noticeable that the sexes kept completely separate. Signs of
           western influence, however, have been completely eliminated in other direc­
           tions. All notices and advertisements in foreign languages have been remov­
           ed. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Imperial Bank of Iran, Indian and
           Armenian Shops have been instructed to change their English Signboards
           and the Hotels their French ones. Cinema notices are all exhibited in Per­
           sian. To conform with modern ideas, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company ob­
           tained special permission to include camels in a film taken early in the year
           showing views of Persepolis with a tank lorry as an indication of progress.
               11.  The cancellation of functions at No Rouz and the removal of the
           decorations before the Shah’s visit have already been mentioned. As these
           fell in Muharrera it was decided, though in each case at the eleventh hour,
           to respect religious susceptibilities. It was announced th,at the Aid-i-Ghurban
           and the Aid-i-Ghadir could be celebrated instead of No Rouz.
               12.  On the occasion of the inspection of Registration offices by a high
           official from Tehran in July, all the Mullahs employed there were reported
           to be in European dress. So also were a few at the official reception of the
           Shah, but many stayed away on that occasion.
               13.  Despite the haphazard sanitation and lack of discipline in barracks
           and the antiquated town drainage and scavenging arrangements, the general
           health of the town has been good throughout the year after an epidemic of
           influenza in the winter. Fevers and malaria are said to be more prevalent
           in the areas where cotton has been introduced. Work on the new Municipal
           Hospital was begun but stopped through lack of funds. A small clinic for
           women and children was opened by the Lion and Red Sun organisation
           towards the end of the year classes for nurses were begun under the Educa­
           tion Department, with the co-operation of an American lady teacher a local
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