Page 525 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 525
Captain A. C. Galloway, Ass stant Political Agent, Bahrain, left for
Sharjah, on tho 8th November 1937.
Tho Honourable Mr. 0. K. Caroo, C.I.E., I.C.S., Officiating Political
Resident in tho Persian Gulf, arrived at Bahrain from Bushire on the 21st
November 1937.
Tho Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Trcnchard Fowle, K.C.I.E.,
C.B.E., arrived at Bahrain, by air on the 22nd November and reassumed
charge of the Office of the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf on the 23rd
November 1937. He then left Bahrain on the 30th November 1937 by H.M.S.
“ Fowey ” on a tour down the Trucial Coast, returning to Bahrain on tho
9th December. He left for Bushire by slow mail on the 11th December 1937.
Captain A. C. Galloway, I.A., Assistant Political Agent, Bahrain, returned
to Bahrain from Sharjah on the 16th December 1937 by air mail.
23. Visit of Arab Notables.—(i) Shaikh Sa’id bin Maktum, O.B.E.,
Ruler of Dubai, accompanied by his brother Shaikh Juma’ bin Maktum,
arrived by air from Sharjah on the 8th of April and returned to Dubai by the
slow mail of the 25th April 1937.
(u) Shaikh Rashid bin Humaid, Ruler of Ajman, arrived from Sharjah
by slow mail on the 25th and left for ’Ocjair, Saudi Arabia, on the 30th April
1937. Ho was a guest of His Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain during his
stay. He returned from ’Oqair on the 7th and left for Sharjah on the 9th
May 1937 by slow mail.
(Hi) Shaikh Abdur Rahman Tubeishi, Grand Chamberlain of His Majesty
King Bin Saud of Arabia, accompanied by nine persons arrived at Bahrain
from 'Oqair on his way to India on the 4th July 1937. He left Bahrain by
air on the 7th July. On his return journey he arrived at Bahrain on the
12th and left for ’Oqair on the 14th October 1937.
(iv) Shaikh Abdullah Sulaiman A1 Hamdani, the Minister of Finance of
the Saudi Arabian Government, arrived here from A1 Khobar, Saudi Arabia,
on the 13th August and returned to Saudi Arabia on the 16th August 1937.
(v) His Royal Highness the Amir Saud, Heir Apparent to His Majesty
King Bin Saud of Saudi Arabia, arrived at Bahrain on the 15th December
at the invitation of His Highness the Shaikh of Bahrain. He left Bahrain on
the morning of the 23rd December 1937 on return to A1 Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
This visit, which was purely private, was the occasion of extensive celebra
tions in Bahrain.
24. Qatar.—One of the most important events of the year 1937 was
the Zubarah trouble, when the old dispute regarding the rightful ownership
of Zubarah was revived.
In June 1937 a disagreement arose between the Shaikh of Qatar and tho
Ruler of Bahrain about the ovcrlordship of the Naim Tribe and the owner
ship of Zubarah. Representatives of both parties met but were unable
to come to an agreement. On the 26th June, the Ruler of Qatar at the invi
tation of the Shaikh of Bahrain met Shaikh Abdullah bin ’Isa, Shaikh
Salman bin Hamad and Mr. Belgrave, the Adviser to the Bahrain Govern
ment, at Ghariyah in Qatar in an attempt to settle this problem. This party
returned to Bahrain on the 30th of June with the news that the negotiations
had ended unsuccessfully and that the Shaikh of Qatar was proposing to take
offensive action against the Naim tribe without further delay.
On the 1st July a letter was received from the Ruler of Qatar that he
intended to take action to restrain those of his subjects who were violating
the laws of his country. The same day the Qatar troops attacked a party
of the Naim Tribe and without much difficulty took possession of tho Naim
stronghold. It appears that one or two men were killed on either side.
The effect of this engagement was that the Naim immediately sent their
representatives to the Shaikh of Qatar to sue for peace. The Shaikh of
Qatar then obtained an agreement from Shaikh Rashid bin Mohammed the
leader of the Naim, to the effect that they would observe the laws of Qatar
whilo they remained in the State. ^