Page 528 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 528
(v) The Residency Agent, Sharjah, paid frequent visits to all the Shaikh-
donis of the Trucial Coast during the year under report.
5. Aviation—(i) The cast and westbound service of Imperial Airways
Limited were normally regular and night stops were made at Sharjah through
out the year.
(«) On 22nd July 1937 on Agreement for a Commercial Aircraft Land
ing Baso was entered into between His Majesty’s Government and the Shaikh
of Dubai.
(in) The Air Officer Commanding British Forces in Iraq, arrived at
Dubai on 7th November. He was received at the jetty of the Landing Baso
by the Shaikh of Dubai and his brother Shaikh Jum’ah. The Shaikh of
Sharjah also called on him at the Sharjah Rest House.
(tv) Flying-boats and aeroplanes of the Royal Air Force paid frequent
visits to the various landing grounds and seaplane anchorages on the Trucial
6. Royal Navy.—(i) Sloops of the Persian Gulf Division paid frequent
visits to the Trucial Coast.
(ii) On 27th October H.M.S. “ Shoreham ” visited Sharjah and Dubai
with H. B. M.’s • Minister, Tehran, on board. The Shaikhs of Dubai and
Sharjah called on H. M.’s Minister who also returned their calls. H. B. M.
Minister visited the Rest House at Sharjah and the Landing Base at Dubai.
7. Shipping.—During 1937 fifty- nine British steamers, six Dutch
steamers, four Japanese and one German steamer called at Dubai and
8. Medical.—Malaria broke out in Epidemic form along the Trucial
Coast in the month of October 1937. At the request of the Residency Agent,
Sharjah, the Political Agent, Bahrain, scnt*3,000 doses of quinine which were
distributed among the inhabitants.
9. Raids and disturbances.—On 10th June the Bani Qitab declared
hostilities against Ras al Khaimah and started raiding its outskirts. On
12th July peace was arranged between Ras al Khaimah and the Bani Qitab.
Otherwise there was no serious disturbances on the Trucial Coast.
10. Oil.—(i) On 22nd May 1937 the Shaikh of Dubai granted an oil
Concession to Petroleum Concessions Limited for a period of 75 years.
(ii) On 17th September the Shaikh of Sharjah granted an oil Concession
to the same Company for a period of 75 years.
(Hi) Mr. B. H. Lermitte arrived at Sharjah in August in connection with
oil negotiations with the other Trucial Shaikhs. He visited them all but had
not been successful by the end of the year.
(tv) Upto May 1937 the Geologists of Petroleum Concessions Limited
explored part of Sharjah, Ras al Khaimah and Abu Dhabi as far as Baraimi
and Khaur al Udaid.
Political Agent, Bahrain,