Page 586 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 586


                       the Shaikh of Qatar declining to act on the Political Agent’s advice to make
                       suitable provision fpr his relatives, and the Political Agent refusing to listen
                       to the Shaikh’s requests that ho should evict them from Bahrain.
                           (iv)  In Juno 1938 the Shaikh of Qatar agreed to exempt lloyal Air Force
                       fuel stocked at Dohah from the payment of Customs dues.
                          (v)  Activities of Petroleum Development {Qatar) Limited.-{a) A geolo­
                       gical Survey of the Qatar Peninsula, begun in 1937, was completed in the
                       early summer.
                          (ft) A camp and landing jetty wero erected at Jcbcl Dukhan and Zckrit
                       respectively on the West Coast of the Peninsula. The two have been  con-
                       nected by a road, nine miles long. The camp has accommodation for 15
                       European and 120 Asiatic employees. The camp has electric light and
                       power, an ice plant and a Marconi wireless set.
                          (c)  3 water wells were bored, but the results were disappointing, and
                      drinking water has to be imported from Bahrain.
                          (d)  Drilling for oil started in October 7th, the plant being capable of
                      drilling to a depth of 7,500 feet. On December 31st the well had reached a
                      depth of 2,000 feet.
                          28. Trucial Coast.—(t) Trncial Shaikhs.—The following were the
                      Shaikhs of the various States of the Trucial Coast throughout the year :—
                            (1)  Dubai .               . Shaikh Sa’id bin Maktum, O.B.E.
                            (2)  Sharjah               . Shaikh Sultan bin Saqr.
                            (3) Abu Dhabi .            . Shaikh Shakhbut bin Sultan.
                            (4) Uram ol Qaiwain        . Shaikh Ahmad bin Raahid.
                            (5) Ajman                  . Shaikh Rashid bin Humaid.
                            (0) Ras al Khaimah         . Shaikh Sultan bin Salim.
                            (7) Kalba .                . Shaikh Sa’id bin Hamad (Minor).
                                                         6haikh Khalid bin Ahmad (Regent).
                         (it) British Interests.—Mr. R. V. Robinson was in charge of the Rest
                      House of the Imperial Airways Limited until 15th May 1938 when he was
                      relieved bjr Mr. W. H. Whelan. Mr. Whelan remained in charge until De­
                      cember when he was relieved by Mr. S. Broad.
                         (Hi) Tours.—(a) The Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Trenchard
                      Fowle, K.C.I.E., C.B.E., Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, visited
                      Dubai and Abu Dhabi on the 27th February and 1st March respectively.
                         (6) H. Weightman, Esquire, I.C.S., Political Agent, Balirain, toured
                      the Trucial Coast in February, March, May, June and October, visiting
                     Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Umm al Qaiwain and Ajman.
                         (c)  Captain J. B. Howes, Officiating Political Agent, Bahrain visited
                     Sharjah in August. Later, as Assistant Political Agent, Bahrain, he visited
                     Baraimi via Abu Dhabi in November and December.
                         (d)  The Residency Agent, Sharjah, paid frequent visits to all the Shaikh-
                     doms of the Trucial Coast during the year under report.
                         (iv) Aviation.—(a) The East and West bound service of the Imperial
                     Airways Limited were regular and night stops were made at .Sharjah and
                     Dubai throughout the year except for the period from 7th to 20th October.
                     During this short period, the flying boat service was diverted to Ras al
                     Khaimah on account of the disturbances at Dubai.
                         (ft) On the Cth June an extended Agreement for five years for the Com­
                     mercial Landing Base for aircraft was entered into between the Shaikh of
                     Dubai and His Majesty’s Government.
                         (c) Flying boats and aeroplanes of tlio Royal Air Force have frequently
                     visited the various landing grounds and seaplane anchorages on the Trucial
                         (v) Royal Navy.—Sloops of the Persian Gulf Division paid frequent
                     visits to the Truoial Coast,
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