Page 584 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 584
19. Post Office.—(i) Sayed Zafar Hussain held charge of the Post Office
throughout the year.
(if) There was a considerable increase in tho work of the Post Office
during tho year 1938. The following arc tho figures for registered letters
an d parcels dealt with during the year :—
Number of Registered letters received . 9.G92
Numbor of Registered letters despatched 12,278
Number of parcels received 0.G54
Number of parcels despatched 757
(in) Stamps worth Rs. 73,659-10-6 were sold during the year as com-
pared with Rs. 94,110-2-0 during the year 1937. This is accounted for
by the considerable reduction in air mail postage (e.g., letters to England
by tho air mail are charged 2 j annas per half ounce in place of 7 J annas).
(iv) The proposal that the Post Office should be transferred to some more
central part of the town was still under consideration at the end of the year.
20. Medical.—(i) Victoria Memorial IJosjnUil.—Assistant Surgeon R.
Holmes, M.B.E., I.M.D., held charge of the Victoria Memorial Hospital
throughout the year.
1937. 1938.
Outpatients 15,264 16,751
Inpatients 249 196
Operations 1,754 1,883
(ii>) Hospitals of the Arabian Mission.—Dr. W. H. Storm, M.D., and
Dr. Esteher Barney held charge of the General and Women’s hospitals res
pectively of the Arabian Mission during the year 1938.
1937. 1938.
Outpatients 64,128 62,330
Inpatients 1,155 1,037
Operations 896 880
(Hi) State Medical Hospital.—Dr. Ian Davenport Jones was appointed
State Medical Officer by the Balirain Government in September 1938, to run
the State Medical Department.
The Bahrain Government hospital, which is under construction, is planned
to have 80 beds, with facilities for surgery, obstetric work and X-ray diag
nosis. 16,000 outpatients were treated at Bahrain Government dis
pensaries during the last quarter of the year. Figures are not available for
the earlier period.
(tv) Malaria and Venereal Disease continue to be the main sources of
sickness, and it cannot at present be said that either is on the decrease.
(v) Major M. K. Afridi, I.M.S., visited Bahrain from January 19th to
30th and May 11th to 17th, and prepared a report on anti-malarial measures
for the island. His final report was received on the 7th December. Ways
and means of carrying it into effect are under consideration.
21. Judicial.—The total number of civil suits was 1,101 as compared
with 1,559 in 1937. The total number of criminal cases was 207 as compared
with 291 in 1937.
22. Activities of Germans.—(i) Herr Heins, a director of the Hansa
Company at Bremen, visited Bahrain for a few days in March. He was
paying an official visit to Messrs. Gray, Mackenzie and Company Limited,
who are the local agents for the Hanza Line.
(ii) Herr Hofinger of Messrs. Ford Motors Limited arrived in Bahrain
on the 20th August 1938. The object of this visit was stated to be in con
nection with the settlement of an agency commission question in dispute
between the Bahrain and Saudi Arabia agents.