Page 580 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 580
YEAR 1938.
1. Officers.—{a) Political Agent.—1st January to 31st July 1038 II.
Weightman, Esquire, I.C.S. 1st August to 27th September 1038 Captain
J. B. Howes. 28th September to 31st December 1038 H. Weightman,
Esquire, I.C.S.
(b) Assistant Political Agent.—1st January to 12th February 1938
Captain A. C. Galloway. 13th February to 27th September 1938 Lieutenant
R. E. R. Bird. 28th September to 31st. December 1938 Captain J. B. Howes.
(c) Indian Assistant.—1st January to 31st July 1938 Dr. S. M. Sicldiq,
M.A., Ph.D. 1st August to 30th August 193S Khan Sahib Mirza Ismail Barduli.
31st August to 31st December 1938 Dr. S. M. Siddiq, M.A., Ph.D.
(d) Residency Agent, Sharjah.—1st January to 10th September 1938
Khan Sahib Sayed Abdur Rezzaq. 11th September to 1th October 1938 Mi*.
Abdul Latif bin Baqr. 5th October to 31st December 1938 Khan Sahib Saved
Abdur Rezzaq.
2. Bahrain Government Officials.—(a) Adviser.— 1st January to 1 Oth
June 193S C. Dairympie Belgravc, Esq., C.B.E. lltli June to 3rd October
193S C. C. L. dc Grenier, Esq. 4th October to 3lst December 1938 C.
Dalrymplo Bclgrave, Esq., C.B.E.
(b) Director of Customs and Port Officer.—C. C. L. dc Grenier, Esquire,
held charge throughout the year.
(o) State Engineer.—Mr. W. B. Steele held charge throughout the
(J) State Medical Officer (New Appointment).—Dr. Ian Davenport
Jones held charge from the 24th September to the 31st. December 1938.
3. Ruler of Bahrain and Al Khalifah Family.—(?) His Highness Shaikh
Sir Hamad bin ’Isa al Khalifah, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., made the Haj this j'car.
He left Bahrain on the 2nd January 1938 for Bombay with an entourage of
80 persons en route to Jedda. He returned on the 2nd March 1938, and wa<
warmly welcomed by the people. During the next few days a series of Arab
dinners were given in his honour.
In the hot weather the Shaikh became seriously ill and was persuaded
to visit Kashmir for some weeks. He left for Kashmir on the 31st .July 1938
accompanied by Dr. It. Holmes, the Agency Surgeon, and returned on the
13th September 1938 ver}7 much improved in health.
During the absence of His Highness on both these occasions the affairs
of the State were in charge of a Regency Council consisting of his brother
Shaikh Abdullah bin ’Isa, his son Shaikh Salman bin Hamad and the Adviser
t,o the Bahrain Government.
(ii) Shaikh Abdullah bin ’Isa became President of the Manama Munici
pality, on the retirement of Shaikn Mohammad bin ’ Isa ; and Shaikh Salman
was appointed as President of the Muharraq Municipality in place of Shaikh
(it?) Shaikh Khalifah bin Muhammad, nephew of His Highness the
Shaikh of Bahrain, was under Police training at Nasik during the year.
(iv) Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad visited England during the summer,
where lie studied English at Oxford. He returned with Mr. C. Dalrymplo
Belgrave in October.
4. Bahrain Police—
Strength on
Police. 1st January 31bt December
1938. 1938.
Indian Police . 0 6
Arab Police . 217 290
followers 14 19
237 321