Page 575 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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           with a capital of rials 18,000,000 (£225,000), 62 per cent, of which will be sub­
          scribed by the Iranian Government and the remainder by Dutch interests.
          In Docombor Dutch agents of the now company visited Bandar Abbas and
           soloctcd a sito for the canning factory.
              In April a local company with a capital of rials 10,000 (£1,250) acquired
           the Bandar Abbas agency of the Tobacco Monopoly.
              Economic conditions.—The cost of living remained at a high level. The
           local harvest was not good and prices of essential foodstuffs snowed a slight
           increase on the previous year.
                              V. MILITARY AND MARINE.
              The Bandar Abbas garrison, which is included in the Kerman Brigade,
          t^ok part in the Bashakird operations in January-February. The threatened
          insurrec- tion staged by Abdul Hussain Karaeran and his followers, who
          inhabit the Bashakird-Rudbar district about 45 miles north-east of Minab, was
          successfully quelled without a shot being fired. The Iranian sloops “ Babr ”
          and “ Shahrukh ” also took part in these operations. About 100 old rifles
          were handed in by the rebels and, it is said, rials 40,000 were paid to the
          Brigadier. No other punishment seems to have been inflicted.
              The Kerman Brigadier inspected the local garrison on the 9th June (with
           Sar Kashkar Atabaki, Director of Medical Services) and again on the 5th
              Scrwan Ali Sarbas was in command of the local troops up to 2nd April
          when he was relieved by Sargord Azizi.
              Conscription.—The Bandar Abbas committee commenced its annual
          session on the 7th October. 106 discharged conscripts returned from Charbar
          in October and 159 new men were sent to that station in November.
              Internal Security.—Security along the Bandar Abbas-Kerman motor road
          and other principal trade routes was well maintained throughout the year.
              Iranian Navy.—All units visited this port at intervals during the year.

                                VI. COMMUNICATIONS.
              Roads.—No new roads from Bandar Abbas to the interior were opened
          during the year.
              In April a party of road engineers from Tehran re-surveyed the Bandar
          Abbas-Minab road, at present a rough road for motors. No improvements
          have yet been made.
              The Bandar Abbas-Shiraz road via. Lar was little used during the past
                                  VII. SHIPPING.
              136 steamers with an aggregate of 503,455 tons (gross) entered and clear-
          ed at the port of Bandar Abbas during 1938.
              The distribution was as follows :—
                         Nationality                                 Tonnage.
               British                                                 410,913
               German                                                   62,605
               Danish                                                   13,476
               Japanese                                                 10,490
               Greek .                                                   5,971
              The B. I. S. N. Co.’s subsidiary mail service steamers called at this port
          weekly throughout the year both on the upward and downward Gulf sailings.
                                         G. A. FALCONER, Major,
           Bandar Abbas ;
                               His Majesty's Consul for Kerman and Bandar Abbas.
          6th February 1939.
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