Page 574 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 574


                        Police.—Yawar Jahan Ara vacated the post of Chief of Police in Soptombor
                     on transfer to Bushiro. Sarbahr Taj Bakhsh officiated up to tho end of the
                         Rasadban III Mansuri from tho Police Training School at Tehran was
                     appointed Chief of Police at Minab. On arrival at Bandar Abbas in Novombor
                     ho was put in charge of tho local prison whero ho shortly aftorwards committed
                     suioide for reasons not known.
                         The Cliiof of Police is also in charge of tho local passport department. It
                     is reliably reported that this department provides the Chief and his stall with
                     an appreciable privato income.
                         Posts and Telegraphs.—Bashir Farahmund continued as Director through­
                     out tho year. Foreign mail for privato individuals is frequently tampered
                     with, but covers for H. M.’s Consulate are treated with greater respect and no
                     case of interference came to notice.
                        Education.—Efforts are being made to improvo and increase educational
                     facilities at Bandar Abbas. Education is free though not compulsory. There
                     is a primary school for boys and one for girls up to the 6th standard. Tho
                     first standard of a middle school was opened during tho year and higher stan­
                    dards will be added as the scholars advance. English is being taught as the
                    second language in the middle school.
                        There is also a night-school for grown-ups who have been warned that
                    with effect from tho new year (April 1939) business licenses will not be granted
                    to illiterates.
                        Municipality.—The Governor is ex officio President of the Municipality.
                    A grant of rials 90,000 (£1,125) was made by tho Ministry of the Interior for
                    construction of a municipal building. The post of Governor was, however,
                    vacant for over 8 months and the new premises had not been commenced by
                    the end of the year. For similar reasons the grant of rials 380,000 (£4,750)
                    made by the Central Government for Town improvements was sparsely uti­
                    lised. The new Governor has some good ideas on this subject and it remains
                    to be seen if he retains sufficient energy to carry them out.
                        Health.—There were no epidemics during 1938 and the general health
                    of the town and district was good.
                        Industry.—The conditions of labour at the Khunji Spinning Mill were
                    unfavourably reported on and until improvements in the buildings are made
                    and better ventilation provided, night shifts have been stopped. There was
                    also a shortage of raw cotton towards the end of the year.
                        The Director of Mines visited the Hormuz, Namakdan and Bostanoh
                    (near Lingah) salt mines in January. No salt was exported from these mines
                    during 1938.
                        All mines in this district are now under the control of the local Director
                    of Customs and Finance.
                       During the year 10,485 tons of red oxide were shipped from Hormuz.
                       Developments.—The new power station, with a German plant erected by
                    German engineers from Tehran, commenced to function in December and so
                    far has provided good service.
                       In May Central Government Inspectors toured in Bandar Abbas and in­
                    vited local merchants to express their views for the improvement of trade and
                   trading conditions generally. Among other points the merchants recommend­
                         (а)  relief from the present restrictions on trade ;
                         (б)  reduction of municipal taxes ;
                         (c)  provision of a hospital with a qualified doctor at the port;
                         (d)  improved sanitation in tho town.
                       Dr. H. Blegvad, tho Danish expert, was in Bandar Abbas from the 27th
                   •March—3rd April for a final survey in connection with tho establishment of the
                   Iranian Fisheries industry. It is understood that a Company has been formed
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