Page 572 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 572


                        Industry and Developments.—Tlio Minister of Industries with a German
                    mineralogist inspected copper deposits at Bahr Asman (G9 miles S. E. of
                    Kerman) in October. Work on this site lias sinco commenced but the
                    results are not yet known.
                        No other new industries were introduced during the yoar.
                        Carpet weaving is tho principal industry in this district but it is not
                    in a very flourishing condition. By the end of tho yoar only about 50 por
                    cent, of the looms wore working and foreign agents were not placing orders.
                        Tho Khorshid Spinning Mill suffered from managerial disputes and was
                    closed for sovoral months. There was also a shortago of raw material.
                                           VI. MILITARY.
                        Sartip Ali Akbar Siahpush retained command of the Kerman brigade
                    throughout tho yoar. Ho was promoted to his prose it rank in March. Troops
                    from the brigade took part in tho Bashakird operations early in the year and
                    later in the operations against tho Ismail Zais in the Bam and Rudbar
                        No important changes occurrod in tho composition of tho brigade and tho
                    discipline and moral of the troops under tho present Commander is believed
                    to be good.
                        The visit to Kerman in May of two sonior oflicors from Tehran was asso­
                    ciated with the rumoured establishment of the Southern Army Headquarters
                    at Khwasli, but nothing further has been heard of this proposal.
                       The now barracks at Sar Ascyab are still uncompleted.
                       800 conscripts were discharged in October and were replaced by a similar
                    number of new men.
                       Internal security.—The security of the main trade routes has been well
                    maintained. No attacks on motor vehicles have been reported.
                                       VII. COMMUNICATIONS.
                       Roads.—No new roads were constructed in this district during 1938, and
                   existing main roads connecting Kerman were maintained in a fair state of re­
                   pair. Surrounding villages are to be linked up with Kerman by fair-weather
                   motor roads.
                       Wireless.—The Kerman wireless station, which was erected by the Rus­
                   sians in 1926, is not in service but is believed to be subjected to a weekly test.
                       Aviation.—No aeroplane landed at Kerman during the year. An ofliccr
                   of the Iranian Air Force inspected the aerodrome in August.

                                        VIII. LOCAL POLITICS.
                       Politics do not play a very important part in the lives of the inhabitants
                   of this district. The present regime exhibits little interest in the welfare of
                   the people of this province and the latter display their enthusiasm for new
                   national occasions under compulsion.
                       Deputies for the 16th Mejliss as nominated by Tehran were duly elected by
                       Press.—The “ Bidari ”, nominally a weekly paper, makes fitful appear­
                   ances, and like three others—” Istiqamat ”, Sada-i-Kerman ” and the
                   “ Aenaeh-i-Janub ” which exist only in name, is of little consequence.

                                          B.—BANDAR ABBAS.
                                    I. HIS MAJESTY’S CONSULATE.
                      Personnel.—H. M.’s Consul, Kerman, held additional charge of Bandar
                  Abbas throughout the year.
                      H. M's Birthday.—The occasion was celebrated by a toa party at the
                  Consulate on the 9th Juno, which was attended by 90 persons including the
                  acting Governor, the Manager of the National Bank, and a number of
                  Iranian merchants.

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