Page 614 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 614


                           Transport.—Five garages in Bushirc hire lorries and cars for freight and
                       passenger transport. They own, however, only a few vehicles each, and
                       all hough one of them is reportcd to be doing good business, the rest arc making
                       little progress.
                           Transport, rates, which are given below in rials per kharvar of 055 lbs.,
                       have varied considerably throughout the year, in accordance with the amount
                       of traffic and the prospects of froight for the return journey.
                                                        Average.  Lowest.  Highest.
                             To Shiraz .                    60    30 (Feb.) 95 (October).
 =                           Tq Isfahan                    135    75 (Mnr.) 200 (June).
 ■                           To Tehran .                   200   120 (Mar.) 290 (December).
                          Taxation remains ns before. Merchants pay annually from 1 per cent, to
 5                     pay .large dividends.
                          The price of pieco-goods has been rising throughout the year. The control
                       of this monopoly was transferred in December from the Bnnquc Mellie to the
                      Finance Department.
                          Taxation remains as before. Merchants pay annually from 1 per cent, to
                      4 per cent, on their net profit, according to the amount ; employees drawing
                      over Dials 200 per mensem pay from 2.} per cent, to 3 per cent, on their salary ;
                      a municipal tax of 3 per cent, is charged on the value of goods brought into the
                      town from the interior ; a tax of 8 per cent, is charged on house rents ; and
                      shopkeepers pay a tax varying from Rials 10 to 20 per mensem.
                          The population of Bushire is estimated to be about 8,000 ; there may have
                      been a small decline during the year.

                                                                     C. R. LATIMER,
                                                                His Majesty's Vice-Consul*
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