Page 609 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 609

                                        Re venue.
               Many shopkeepers and artisans who had previously claimed exemption from
           (lie payment of income-tax on the grounds of the smallness of their income were
           this year called on to pay ; in many cases the tax being levied on what the
           .Revenue authorities estimated their incomes should be regardless of the indivi­
           duals1 claims to the contrary.
               The Education and Waqf Department, the construction of which was first
           undertaken in 1937, still remains incomplete.
                                  Busiiire Municipality.
               The Municipality's five-year plan for the improvement of public buildings
           and roads and for the* construction of a lazaretto has not yet been approved of
           by the Ministry of Interior and in consequence none of the works have yet been
           undertaken. Budget provision was however, again made for an expenditure
           of Rials 20,000 per mensem out of which the Municipality maintained a sanitary
           staff of 70 persons and continued to make provision for the upkeep of a small
           lunatic asylum and the local infirmary. The Municipality also did much to bring
           about an improvement in the quality of bread sold locally and to provide for a
           regular and adequate supply of ice during the summer.
                                       SECTION 4.
               Brigadier General ’Amidi, Officer in charge of Ears Division, Shiraz, ins­
           pected the Garrison in March when he announced the amalgamation of the Road-
           Guards force with the Military Garrison of Bushire. It was also notified that
           with effect from that date local conscripts would be called on to perform
           8 months of their service in the Military barracks at Bushire and 1G months as
           Road Guards.
              The Bushirc Recruiting Office was again very strict this year, few exemp­
           tion papers were issued. Altogether, 1,820 conscripts were recruited from
           Bushirc and districts out of which about 420 were sent to Shiraz for training and
           the remainder were admitted to the local barracks at various times throughout
           the year. Some 450 old conscripts were also recalled during the year and made
           to undergo a refresher course lasting about one month. Towards the end of the
           year the authorities seemed to be making some effort to separate the educated
           conscripts from the uneducated, in the majority of cases the educated being sent
           to Shiraz for training.
               Lieutenant-Colonel Karimi remained in command of the Bushire Garrison
           until 22nd February when he was relieved by Captain Yusuf Noori.
                            DISARMAMENT OF THE TRIBES.
               The year showed no relaxation in the severity of the measures to which the
           authorities have had resort in order to expose persons in illegal possession of
           arms and ammunition.- As a result, some 250 rifles and 1,800 rounds of ammu­
           nition together with 32 persons found in possession of arms were brought to
           Beehive and handed over to the Military authorities. The authorities arc not
           yet satisfied that they have unearthed all hidden supplies of arms and are, if
           necessary, prepared to resort to even more severe measures in ordr to discover
               Lieutenant-Colonel Gliulam Ali Bayandor held charge of the Iranian Navy
           throughout the year.
              Navigational lights installed at Bushire and Qais Island have not been regu­
           larly operated throughout the year.
                                       SECTION 5.
              During the year five British planes on private flights called at Bushire.
              Foreign.—The Air France weekly service was maintained regularly
           throughout the year except for 25 days in November and December when owing
           to heavy rains, the landing ground became unserviceable. During this period
           mail bags were either dropped from the air or elso carried between Basra and
           Buslurc by the B. 1. S. N. Company’s steamers.
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