Page 607 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 607

                                        SECTION 1.
                Personnel-— Tins undermentioned officers held the following appointments
            during the year under report.
                Political Resident and Consul-General.—Lioutonant-Colonol Sir Trcnchard
            Fowlc, K.G.I.E., C.B.E., from 1st January to 31st August.
                Lieutenant-Colonel C. G, Prior, C.I.E., from 1st Septembor to the end of the
                Secretary and Consul.—Major A. C. Galloway from 1st January to 13th
                Captain T. Hickinbotham, O.B.E., from 14th to 19th March.
                Captain II. D. Rush ton from 20th March to November 25th.
                Captain A. C. Stewart from 26th November to the end of the year.
                Vice-Consul.—Mr. R. S. T. John, I.C.S., from 1st January to 30th
                Mr. C. R. Latimor, I.C.S., from 1st December to the end of the year.
                Under Secretary to the Political Resident.—Mr. R. S. T. John, I.C.S., from
            1st January to 20th February.
                Captain T. Hickinbotham, O.B.E., from 21st February to April 12th.
                Mr. J. Croning, M.B.E., from 13th April to 1st July.
               Lieutenant H. D. H. Ranee, from 2nd July to 10th December.
               Mr. R. G. Daubeny from 11th December to the end of the year.
               Residency Surgeon.—Li'outenant-Colonel J. J. Rooney, I.M.S., throughout
            the year.
               Assistant Surgeon.—Dr. R. Eascy throughout the year.
               Confidential Assistant.—Mr. J. Croning, M.B.E., from 1st January to 12th
               Mr, N. Lester, from 12th April to 30th June.
               Mr. J. Croning, MJB.E., from 2nd July to the end of the year.
               Registrar and Treasury Officer.—Rao Sahib S. R, Aiyer, from 1st to 24th
               Mr. E. A. Tanner, from 25th January to 9th December.
               Rao Salu'b S. R. Aiyer, from 10th December to the end of the year.
               Assistant Registrar.—Rao Sahib S. R. Aiyer, from 1st January to 19th
               Mr. E. A. Tanner, from 20th May to 10th July.
               Rao Sahib S. R. Aiyer from lltli July to 9th December.
               Mr. D. J. Stephens from 10th December to the end of the year.
               Assistant Engineer.—Mr. Sayid Ghulam Murtaza throughout the year.

                                       SECTION 2.
                            A.—FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES.
               Ilis Majesty’s Consul General continued to look after Norwegian interests.
                                B.—BRITISH INTERESTS.
               Cable end Wireless Limited.—Mr. G. W, Watson was in charge of the Bushire
           Branch from 1st January to 25th February and Mr. T. Tobin from 20th February
           to the on*! of tho year.
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