Page 604 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 604
In Kuwait the oil hearing strata was readied in No. 3 well. Soon after the
outbreak of war the Kuwait Oil Company decided not to declare commercial
production. Tho Shaikh has protested against this decision hut to the end of the
year no .settlement had been arrived at.
Nnlicnl.—The Agency dispensaries at Kuwait, Bahrain and Muscat con
tinue to do good work.
A Sub-Assistant Surgeon of the Indian Medical Department was posted
to the Trueinl Coast early in the year and arrived at. Dubai in dune. A dis-
pensarv has been opened there and attendance figures are very high averaging
over a *100 a day. The Residency Surgeon inspected this dispensary during the
year and visited all the Sheikhdoms of the Trucial Coast except Kalha.
Medical work in Bahrain has increased as the result, of the opening of a
hospital for men and women by the Slate.
Kuwait.—The second Kuwait Council which was elected towards the end of
103ft never inct ns the members refused to agree to the power of veto by the
Shaikh and was eventually dissolved in March after a disturbance in which the
recalcitrant members were encouraged by violent propaganda from Iraq. One
of the ringleaders was arrested, tried and sentenced to death. lie was imme
diately executed by shooting in the town square, whereupon the remainder tied
to Iraq ; those who did not escape are still languishing in jail in Kuwait.
During the early part of the year the Iraqi press published inflammatory
articles stressing the alleged desire of Kuwaitis to join Iraq. The King of
Iraq also broadcast from Iraq in the same strain. On His death however this
campaign of vilification died down.
Kuwait relations with Sa’udi Arabia have remained good throughout the
year and Bin Snud emphatically denied press reports by declaring that Kuwait
was Kuwaiti and belongs to Kuwaitis.
The question of the settlement of tlie Shaikh of Kuwait’s date gardens in Iraq
dragged on throughout, the year. In March a notice was served demanding the
payment of taxes amounting to £1(J,4S0 within ten days, failing which the pro
perties were to he attached. Actually however the Fao and Faddaghiyn estates
were seized before t.ho ten days were up and it was only after strong representa
tions by His Majesty’s Gove run: cut that tbo majority of the Shaikh’s cultivators
were reinstated.
There was one case of incursion by Iraqi Police to as far as 4 miles north
of Juhra at the head of Kuwait Bay.
Bahrain.—The Shaikh of Bahrain left for Simla on the 16th July, where
he had an interview with His Excellency the Viceroy. He returned to Bahrain
in September very much improved in health.
The Shaikh’s brother, Shaikh Muhammad bin Tsa visited the United States
of America where he was shown much courtesy, visiting the New York Exhibi
tion as an honoured guest. This was the first time that a member of the Ruling
Family had visited the United States.
The outstanding feature of the year was the visit of His Majesty King Ibn
Sand to Bahrain early in May. Ilis Majesty stopped in Bahrain for four days.
As a result of the war the Bahrain Police Force has been augmented by the
addition of a machine gun section and a motor bicycle section. The Shaikh’s
nephew, Shaikh Khalifah bin Muhammad completed his training at the Police
Training School at Nasik and returned to Bahrain as Superintendent of Police.
After considering the rival claims of the Shaikhs of Bahrain and Qatar to
Hawnr, an island lying off the west coast of Qatar, His Majesty’s Government
decided in favour of Bahrain. The Shaikh of Qatar appealed against this deci
sion but was told that it was final.
Tracial Coast.—In March the people of Dubai began to exhibit dissatisfaction
with the work of the State Majlis. Taking advantage of the situation the Shaikh
of Dulmi made a surprise attack on Daira. After holding out for two days Shaikh
Mani bin Rashid and his brother Maktum fied to Sharjah where they were joined
by a number of their adherents.
Muscat and Oman.—The tribes of Oman have been at peace with each other
and with the Sultan’s Government and the year has been one of the most peace
ful that the State has known for some time.
AVilh the exception of a short visit to Gwadur in April the Sultan spent the
whole year in or near Muscat town.