Page 689 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 689
Two new kanats have been constructed by Nusrat-ul-Mumalik in the Zarand
area tapping the Kuhistan hills about 40 N. of Kerman. It is hoped to considerably
increase agriculture in this region in 2-3 years.
The government have leased an area in the Jabal Bariz region south of Bam
to Ghulam Ecza Agali in connection with his experiments to improve the pistachio
crop by grafting on to wild almond trees which arc plentiful in this district. Pis
tachio nuts are an important export commodity ; America being the principal
Industry and Developments.—With the exception of the search for minerals
under an exploratory concession granted to Mr. Weiss a Dutch subject who is re
puted to be a dollar millionaire, there were no important industrial developments
during 1940.
Carpet weaving is still the principal industry in this district. There was no
unemployment among weavers. With the increased demand in the country and
maintenance of the American market, this industry had a satisfactory year. Carpet
prices advanced by nearly 100 per cent. Several large pieces wer made to the order
of the Shah.
The Khorshid Spinning Mill was in production throughout the year. Some
spare parts from Germany were received but a major consignment is reported to
be at the bottom of the Danube. The 1,000 rials shares of this company quoted
at rials 1,750 at the beginning of the year, fell to rials 1,250 in anticipation of no
dividend being passed for the current year.
Sartip Ali Akbar Siyahpush retained command of the military district through
out the year.
Early in the year orders were issued raising the command from a brigade
to a division but the actual strength has not been materially changed.
Several reports during the year indicated a deterioration in discipline, parti
cularly among young ofHcers trained at the Tehran Military Academy. The
G. O. C. who has now held this command for 5 years, obviously intends to finish his
time here. He recently married a Kermani girl as his third wife and has purchased
house property valued at rials 100,000. He is reputed to smoke 1-3 misquals of
opium daily.
As a precautionary measure additional military posts were established along
the Baluchistan frontier at intervals of 15 miles.
The garrisons at Bam and Iludbar were strengthened owing to disturbed con
ditions in those areas.
A further grant of rials 200,000 was received in the autumn for completion of
the barracks at Lar Asiab together with a quantity of old Russian rials for proof
supports. Some of the quarters were occupied by the end of the year.
About 2,000 military conscripts were recruited in the Kerman district during
1940 most of whom were drafted to the Mekran command; 800 conscripts from
Yezd were absorbed in the Kerman command.
Internal Security.—In spite of military activity security was not so well main
tained last year. The areas principally affected were Bam and Rudbar to which
extra troops had to be drafted to meet the situation. From other districts also
highway robberies were reported. Ismailzais were responsible for many raids on
villages in the Rudbar and Narmashir areas. A number of these gangsters were
rounded up and several have been shot. The military suffered casualties in these
Hoads.—A military fair-weather road connecting Bam, Jiruft and Rudbar was
opened during the year.
Most of the neighbouring villages have now been linked up with Kerman
by fair-weather motor roads.
A sum of rials 400,000 was allotted for repair and maintenance of the Kerman-
Bandar Abbas road and the construction of two bridges.