Page 691 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 691
Trade.—(See under Kerman).
Messrs. Gray, Mackenzie & Co.—The company maintained an agency at this
port throughout the year. The local manager was in trouble with the Iranian
authorities for making, or aiding the making of, a false declaration o'f goat-hair ;
for wool in respect of a shipment by Ghulam Raza Agah of Kerman. The company :
were fined rials 10,582 and the shipper rials 31,740. The payment of these fines did
not however end the matter. The company (or its manager) was further charged
with bribing Iranian government servants in connection with the false declara
tion and this case was pending at the close of the year.
Red Oxide.—During the year 1,500 tons of red oxide were shipped from Hormuz :
to Avonmouth (7,500 tons in 1939) and 3,000 tons to America. i
Anglo-Iranian Oil Co.—Owing to the war the Company did not proceed further
with their surveys in the Bandar Abbas district and on Qishm Island commenced
during the cold weather of 1938-39.
Representation.—There was no other foreign representation at this port.
Trade.—(See also under Kerman). The principal imports by this route during
1940 were from Japan (440 cases glassware, 915 bales piece goods, 1,218 cases
matches), Java (35,500 bags sugar, 671 pepper, 600 coffee) and Egypt (34,000 bags
loaf sugar).
In addition some 3,540 cases of military munitions and equipment were dis
charged at this port from the Italian S. S. “ Hilda ” which arrived on the 6th
June. Details of this consignment arc not available.
Machinery and equipment for the Fish Canning Factory was also imported
via Bandar Abbas but has not so far appeared in the customs statistics.
Exports included 256 bales carpets, 1,046 bags pistachio nuts, wool, goat-hair
and red oxide to America and 4,758 bags of cotton seeds to Japan.
Farmandar.—Aqai Abbas Zarchpush assumed charge on 21st October
relieving Aqai Mustovfi of his acting appointment.
Customs and Finance.—Aqai Mina was joint director throughout the year.
From 27th November landing and customs weighing charges were doubled. Local
traders lodged protests against the increased charges.
Bank-i-Milli.—The local branch functioned throughout the year but did little
business. Six crudely made 100 rial notes were tendered for goods in Minab. The
culprit was at once arrested and brought to Bandar Abbas for trial.
Police.—Sarbahr Rcza Imadi retained charge throughout the year.
He investigated charges made by local people against the Lingah police and is
said to have accepted rials 30,000 from his Lingah subordinate to hush the
matter up.
Justice.—No important case involving British subjects came before the local
courts during 1940.
Posts and Telegraphs.—On three occasions the post office refused to accept
delivery of mail bags from Bahrain. A reference was made to H. M.’s Minister
at Tehran and eventually local authorities were instructed to accept delivery of these
bags as before. Otherwise this department rendered satisfactory service to the
Education.—A mixed school of four primary classes was opened in Bandar
Abbas and primary schools of two classes in a number of villages in the district.
Municipality.—With the arrival of the new Farmandar in October who is
also ex-officio head of the municipality, steps were taken to clean up the town.
Improved street lighting, provision of refuse bins, removal of old and semi-dis
mantled buildings bordering on the main street, a better type of building and
pavements are the first results of his administration.
Health.—There were a number of cases of measles and small-pox in February
otherwise the health of the town and district was good.