Page 696 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 696
The Iraqi Government appointed an Iraqi as Land Settlement Officer for the
whole of the Basra Liwa. This appointment was, however, not within keeping of
their undertaking given to His Majesty’s Government and in the autumn Judge
Good was appointed as Settlement Officer for the Subah lands. The settlement is
The dispute between the Shaikh and the Kuwait Oil Company which arose
owing to the latter’s inability to declare commercial production according to the
terms of their contract was settled by the Shaikh’s accepting from the Kuwait Oil
Company as an advance a sum of Rs. 1,000,000 against future royalties in the
form of a loan to be repaid in 4 yearly instalments commencing from 1944.
A total footage of 11,794 feet was drilled during the year. No. 6 well had
reached a depth of 3,750 feet by the end of the year, that is to say 1,000 feet short of
the producing strata.
The concrete portion of a projected jetty designed to permit of unloading ships
at all stages of tide was completed early in the year.
An additional ice-plant and a small cold storage unit were installed and also
two new 24,000-gallon water storage tanks.
Experimental work in connection with the use for road surfacing of a bitumen
and sand mixture quarried from Burgan was completed.
A club for the Indian clercial staff was started in Magwa.
The average staff and labour strength during the year was :—
British and American Staff 16
Indian clerical and supervising staff 17
Indian atrizans 34
Arab clerical staff and labour 207
Total 274
Work in connection with the search for fresh water was commenced by the
Kuwait Oil Company in the southern section of the State, and a total footage of
1,777 feet was drilled. Drilling was commenced in mid-September, and four wells
had been sunk by the end of the year. The westernmost of these near Minaqish,
struck water containing 3,100 p.m. dissolved solids at a depth of 530 feet, and
the water rose in the bore to 270 feet from the surface. This result is the best so far.
In the early spring Mr. R. O. Rhoades arrived in Kuwait to negotiate for a con
cession to extract sulphur. After comparatively brief negotiations the Shaikh
agreed to give to the Eastern Gulf Oil Co., an option for one and a half years to be
followed by a concession for 75 years. Rs. 75,000 were paid to the Shaikh for the
option. The Kuwait Oil Company were not interested in the project.
There were no visits from ships of-His Majesty’s Navy.
The Royal Air Force prepared a new landing ground to the south of the town,
and used this on all occasions. The visits of aircraft continued to be numerous and
several visits were paid by the Shaibah Armoured Car Section.