Page 697 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 697

31                                               '
              Besides three visits from the Hon’ble the Political Resident, one from the
          Residency Surgeon, Bushire, in his capacity as Chief Quarariline Medical Officer,
          and one from the Vice-Consul, Bushirc, the visitors, during tin- year included :—
               Mr. F. W. Humphrey. Cable and Wireless Ltd., Kara:  .. January 1010.
               Mr. JJ. Weightinan, I.US., Political Agent-, Bahrain ..
               Major F. Holmes
               Mr. R. 0. Rhoades, an American citizen and a Director of the
                  Kuwait Oil Company                      .. February 1910.
               31. E. Shaikh Ilafiz Wahba, Saudi Arabian Minister in London   II
               Sir John and Lady Ward fron Basra
               Mr. Van Ess of the Arabian Mission            March 1910.
               Mr. Paul Knabenshuc, U. S. A. Minister in Baghdad   It
               Mr. J. A. Jamieson, a Director of the Kuwait Oil Company
               Major T. lfickinbotham, O.B.E., Political Agent, Muscat .. April 1940.
               Col. and Mrs. Lamb of the British Military Mission in Iraq  II
               Shaikh Yusuf Yasin, Private Secretary to King Abdul Aziz
                  Ibu Saud                                .. May 1940.
               Major C. J. Rose, Air Headquarters, Iraq ..  .. July 1940.
               Air Vice-Marshal H. G. Smart, O.B.E., D.F.C., A.F.C.  .. October 1940.
               Mr. E. Groombridgc, Representative of the Dunlop Rubber Co.,
                  in the Near East                           November 1940.

                    Total rainfall during the year        .. 4-816’
                    Maximum temperature                   .. 123° in July 1940.
                    Minimum temperature                   .. 38° in January 1940.

                                                      A. C. GALLOWAY,
                                                         Political Agent, Kuwait.
              Kuwait ;
          The 26th January, 1941.
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