Page 700 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 700


                        (tv) Royally to the Bahrain Government.
                                                                           Kb. a. p.
                         lat Half                                       1G.2G.88G 8 0
                         2nd Half                                       14,42,580 12 0
                        (v) At the end of the year, Company’s employees numbered as follows :—
                         British                                               143
                         Canadian*                                              19
                         Americans                                              55
                         British Indians                                       352
                         Bahrainis                                            1,837
                         Others                                                34 G

                                                                Total         2,752

                        (vi)  In accordance with the agreement entered into between His Highness
                    the Shaikh of Bahrain and the Bahrain Petroleum Company, the Company has
                    conducted extensive exploration operations within the dominions of the Shaikh,
                    particularly in the Additional Area. Though the work is being constantly con­
                    tinued, it has not advanced to the point where final conclusions are justified.
                       (vii)  Refinery.—No new operating facilities were installed during 1940, though
                   major improvements or additions were made in the Power Plant, Crude Distillation.
                   Units, S02 Plant, Cracking Plant, and Pitch Pond.
                       (mil) Alterations were made both at Sitra and Zellaq to facilitate loading
                   and yn-loading. Pipelines were re-routed and a new tank constructed at Zellaq.
                   Areas of the Refinery, the anchorage, and Awali Camp were considerably increased.
                   Many improvements were made in the living and recreational facilities for the staff
                   of the Bahrain Petroleum Company, while all offices were air cooled during
                   summer. A programme of housing for natives was started and 2G hollow concrete
                   block houses are being built, part near Awali and part at Rafa Camp.
                      (ix)  As a Defence measure, Air Raid Shelters were constructed for the benefit
                   of the staff of the Bahrain Petroleum Company.
                      (x)  This year saw the completion of the agreement entered into between the
                  Bahrain Petroleum Company and the Shaikh of Bahrain enabling the Company
                  to extend drilling operations outside the previously leased area in the Shaikhdom
                  of Bahrain.
                      7. Agriculture.—(i) After the Assistant Adviser ceased to serve the Bahrain
                  Government, the experimental garden at Budaya was handed over to the Public
                  Works Department. European vegetables, including potatoes, were grown in the
                  spring of 1940 and sold in the bazar.
                      (u) At the suggestion of the Hon’ble the Political Resident in the Persian
                  Gulf a herd of white cattle was purchased from Alwar, but their suitability for
                  Bahrain cannot be judged yet.
                      (tiii) The services of an agricultural adviser from Egypt have been asked for
                  by the Bahrain State.
                      7. Municipalities, (a) Manamah.—Some important roads were widened
                  duiing the year, new roads were planned and laid down on the South and South-
                  West of Manamah town, while about five miles of town roads were surfaced and
                  oiled. 30,000 square feet of swamp was filled in width stone and a considerable
                  area of swamp filled in or surfaced. It was found necessary to cut many shops
                 for the purpose of road widening, but new ones were constructed in compensation.
                     After the abnormally heavy rain at the end of the month of October, large
                 parts of the town were flooded and remained so for two months in spite of
                 every effort to induce the Adviser and the State Engineer to take some action.
                 Ditches have at least been dug and the water is draining away.
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