Page 704 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 704

                       19. Visits of Arab Notables.—(i) On the 4th April, General Sir Nuri as Sn’id,
                   Iraqi Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Shaikh Ifafiz Wahba, the Saudi Arabian
                   Minister in London, passed through Bahrain in a Royal Air Force plane on their
                   way to lbn Saud’s camp. The party was met by the Political Agent, the Senior
                   Naval Officer in the Persian Gulf, Shaikh Abdullah, Shaikh Salman and the Adviser
                   to the Bahrain Government and lunched at Shaikh Abdullah’s house near the
                   aerodrome. His Highness the Shaikh was indisposed that day. They again
                   passed through Bahrain on the 7th April on their way back to Iraq, their mission
                   having been a great success.
                      (it) His Royal Highness the Amir Sand arrived herefrom A1 Khobar cn route
                   to India on the evening of the 19th April with some of his younger brothers. He
                   was received privately at the Customs pier by His Highness and his Family. The
                   Amir Saud was as charming as ever and expressed his and Ibn Saud’s gratitude
                   lor the arrangements made by the Government of India. He referred also to
                  strong sympathy for the Allied Cause.
                      (m) Shaikh Rashid bin Ilumaid, Ruler of Ajman, arrived here on the 5th May
                  on a friendly visit to the Shaikh of Bahrain. He returned to Ajman on the 20th
                      (tv) His Royal Highness the Amir Saud arrived here from India by special
                  plane, on the evening of the 8th June, very much improved in health. He was
                  received at the aerodrome by Shaikhs Abdullah and Salman, the Adviser to the
                  Bahrain Government and the Assistant Political Agent, the Political Agent being
                  absent from Bahrain. His Highness the Shaikh met the Amir at the end of the
                  causeway and took him to the Palace. On the evening of the 9th June the Amir
                  was entertained by the Bahrain Petroleum Company.
                      He left Bahrain for A1 Khobar by launch on the 10th. While he was here
                  he expressed his gratitude for the assistance given to him by the Government of
                      20. Qatar.—(t) The Petroleum Concessions (Qatar) Limited had their first
                  small show of oil in their test well near Zekrit towards the end of 1939. In 1940,
                  a further test was made by them and the results were most satisfactory.
                      (ii) It is reported that a squabble occurred on the 30th May between minor
                  members of the Qasimand Ahmad sections of the Qatar Shaikhly family. Shaikh
                  Hamad, the heir-apparent, tried to turn this into a major issue and demanded
                  that the Ahmad party should either be disarmed or deported. The Shaikh of
                  Qatar held a meeting at which there was a good deal of excitement but it seems
                  probable that the whole matter has been settled without recourse to drastic
                      Shaikh Hamad’s attitude was probably influenced by difficulties following
                  the distribution (or more likely the non-distribution) of the oil money which was
                  paid by the Company on the 17th May.
                      (Hi) Shaikh Abdullah bin Qasim A1 Thani, C.I.E., Ruler of Qatar, left for the
                  Haj with his heir-apparent Shaikh Hamad and some seventy members of his
                  family. His eldest son Shaikh Ali was in charge during his absence.
                      21. Petroleum Concessions Limited, (i) Qatar Exploration, (a) Wells and
                  Drilling.—No. 1 Well was completed to its final depth of 5,G85 feet at the end of
                  1939 at which point a promising oil “ showing ” was struck. A test was carried
                  out in January 1940.
                      During the year 1940 a certain amount of oil from this well was used on road
                  construction and maintenance essential to the Company’s further exploration
                      No. 2 Well, 10 miles South of No. 1, was commenced on the 18th June and by
                  the end of December 1940 had reached a' depth of 4,798 feet and correlates fairly'
                  closely to No. 1. This test-well will be carried on as deep as the rig and circum­
                  stances permit.
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