Page 707 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 707
After the breakdown of the negotiations, Shaikh Mani’ returned to the desert.
On 10th February Mani’ returned to Sharjah having disbanded his force. The
Shaikh of Dubai then asked the Shaikh of Sharjah to turn out Mani’ and his party
and when he failed to do so, declared war on him.
The Dubai Sharjah war was mainly static, both sides lacking the courage to
launch an offensive. But trade was interrupted and local opinion was in favour
of British intervention. However, on 10th March the Shaikh of Has al Khaimah
succeeded in arranging a three months’ truce, which was followed by a general
agreement. Since then, there has been no more trouble.
(it) On 29th September Majid bin Khnlfan assisted by the Shuwaihat of Bani
Ka’ab attacked Hatta, a village in which he had formerly been the Shaikh of Dubai’s
representative. He captured the Shiakhs’s present representative and took posses
sion of the weaker forts. A force of 00 men led by Shaikh Muktum bin Jum’ah was
despatched from Dubai and as soon as Shaikh Muktum reached Hatta, Majid bin
Khalfan released his prisoners and fled.
(Hi) On 15th November disturbances occurred at Diba between the Qawasim
and the Shahuh, the latter being subjects of Muscat. The cause of the dispute was
that the people of Diba Hisn accused the Shahuh of kidnapping one of their boys.
This allegation was found to be false and the Shahuh annoyed at being falsely
accused, indulged in burning the Qawasim houses and cutting down trees. A
few casualties were sustained.
Through the mediation of the Wali of Khasab and the Shaikhs of Fujairah and
JSakha, the trouble was settled on the basis of “ Dafin ”, except that a tower erected
by the Diba Hisn as a direct result of the disturbances was allowed to remain.
10. Oil.—There are no fresh developments to report.
11. The War.—There is reason to believe that two Italian aeroplanes flew over
Sharjah on the night of 16th November. As a result, certain Air Raid precautions
were taken.
12. Hed Oxide.—The Abu Musa red oxide mines were worked up to the spring
but mining was not resumed in the autumn. 4,000 tons of oxide were produced
but only 1,700 tons exported.
13. Pearling.—Although prices had increased about 50% by the close of the
season, the catch was disappointing.
Political Agent, Bahrain.