Page 373 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 373

Annual review, 1958                     359


          pressed by the Ruler to give up that part of its offshore area
          (the concession area comprises the whole of the Ruler's
          territories) which it does not want in order that he may sell
           it to others who have approached him in that respect,       So far
           the company has refused to agree to this. The company's local
          purchase scheme has greatly expanded.
           12. A piped water supply for Muharraq was brought into use
           in November.
           13.  The Bahrain Government agreed early in the year to take
          an English language teaching expert on secondment from the
           British Counci1.   He is expected early in 1959.      The Government's
          proposal to supervise foreign schools taking Bahraini pupils
           has still not reached finality.     As such schools are under Her
           Majesty's jurisdiction it has been proposed that the Political
           Agent should control them in full consultation with the Bahrain
          Government and that they should meet the Government's require­
           ments for the teaching of Arabic,     To this the Bahrain Government
           had not reacted by the end of the year,      In November the first
           village girls' primary school was opened, at Budeya.
           14.  The Government again held an Agricultural Show and Trade
           Fair in February which was well attended,      It is to be an
           annual affair.

           15. In February, too, a memorandum of agreement was signed by
           the Ruler and the Political Agent defining the terms for the
           construction by the Government of a new civil air terminal at
           Muharraq airport. Plans have since been approved and construction
           should begin by the middle of 1959.                                               1
           16.   The                application on behalf of Abdul Rahman al
           Baklr, one of the leaders of the former Committee of National
           Union serving a sentence of fourteen years' imprisonment on
           St. Helena, has so far caused comparatively little excitement
           here even though it obtained some publicity in the British press.                 i
           17.   The Strick Line vessel “Seistan" blew up in Sitra anchorage
           in February. Seven Europeans and forty-five Indians of the crew
           perished. It was the biggest disaster of its kind to have
           occurred in Bahrain.

                                                       (C.A. Gault)
                                                  H.M. Political Agent
           H.M. Political Agency,
                December 31, 1958

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