Page 368 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 368
354 Records oj Bahrain
No. 137C/44
8th Muharram 1378
23th July, 1958
H#E. Sir Burnard Burrows,
The Political Resident
in the Persian Gulf.
After Compliments:
We have receivod your letter of 22 July 1958
in which you have kindly given us tho asouranco of
Her Majesty's Government to support Bahrain whon
the necessity arises and to preserve its independence
as in the past* The firm friendship Between H0r
Britannic Majesty* s Government and the Bahrain
Government, as Your Excellency mentions, is an old
one supported by Both sides. In tho same way that
Her Majesty* s Government look Back with pleasure and
gratitude to this long relationship, we also lfcok
with appreciation of the mutual Benefits arising from
it. We trust that such cordial relations and Born
friendship will continue /togothor7 with the re
assurance given By Her Majesty's Government to help
us when the necessity arises. Y/e thank you for
extending to us tho assurance of sincerity and
loyalty and we thank the Government of Hor Majesty
The Queen of Great Britain for what you havo
expressed. Plcaso extend our hoartfclt thanks t®
Her Majesty* o Government. Wo are confident of what
you have kindly submit ted.
Seal of Sulman
Bin Hamad al Khalifa
Ruler of Bahrain.