Page 367 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 367

                                   Annual review, 1958

                                                   BRITISH RESIDENCY

                                                      July 22, 1956

                        Hie Highness Shaikh Sir Salman
                               Bin Hamad Al Khalifah

                                   K.C.M.G., K.C.I.S • t
                           Ruler of Bahrain.

                           Greeting and rospects.

                              °n the instructions of Hor Majesty* s

                        Government I have tho honour to give Your
                        Highness an asauranoo that they will, as in
                         tho past, support Bahrain in case of need and
                        maintain Bahrain's independence. Bahrain has
                        for mere than one hundred years Been in closo*

                        friendship and in treaty relations with Great
                        Britain and Her Majesty* s Government look Back
                        with pleasure and gratitudo on this long and
                        mutually Beneficial association which they

                        hope will continue. Her Majesty* q Government
                        aro happy, the ref o re t to give Your Highness
                        this renev/cd assuranco of help if the noed
                        should arise for it.
                             Please accept, Your Highness, tho assurance
                        of my high consideration.

                                                 (B. A. B. Burrows)

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