Page 362 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 362

348                        Records of Bahrain

                   9Mmm                                   y;uivi:;ij UiSmXdv;'. gy
                                                            v:ay :’*i, 19137
                                    ?  tel *

                          Your letter No, EA 1016/62 of -lay 2 about bolgrave.

                    2.    There is still a good dual of uncertainty as to whether
                   Bolgravo v/ill return to Bahrain and if go when and for how long.
                     The latest I have heard is that lie Iz duo to have a month1 s
                    convaloscencQ at Brighton, which I should have thought means
                    that he ’could not possibly come here before the end of the
                    summer, Nevertheless, his son is still giving the impression
                    that Bclgravo intends to return for a month or so to tidy up
                    and’hand ovor, und it is apparently impossible for the doctors
                    lioro to get a firm statement front the doctor who lias treated
                    him in London. The Ruler is meanwhile delaying over the
                    appointment of Smith as Secretary, and over the introduction
                    of tlio consequential reforms as proponed by Cummins. This is
                   becoming most unsatisfactory, and Shaikh Abdullah, the Ruler* s
                    uncle, complained to me recently in strong terms about the lack
                    of co-ordination and authority in the government. Charles
                   ’Gault has spoken to the Ruler ori the subject, and I shall do so
                    when I bid him goodbyo before proceeding on leave in the woolc
                    after next, but I believe that the only tiling that will really
                    move Mm would be a letter from Bclgravo himself saying that
                    lie is unable to come back to hand over, or at least that he
                    cannot come back until after the end of the siuimor. Is it at
                    all possible for you to approach Bclgravo and move him in the
                    direction of writing on those lines on the grounds that tlio
                    Ruler and everyone else here is uncertain about his intentions
                    and this is causing a good deal of difficulty to the
                    government and everyone who lins dealings with it?

                    3.     I am sending a copy of this letter to Chariots Gault.

                                         O’. I.B. Burrows)

                    1). i.IT. Riches Esquire,                                                     .
                    foreign OFFICE,
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