Page 360 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 360

346                        Records of Bahrain

                                      FROM BAHRMN TO FOREIGN OFFICE

                    Cypher/OTP                                       DmRTKFNTAL

                     Sir B, Burrows
                    No, A 59                          D, 7.15 a.m. April 13, 1957
                    April 13, 1957                    R, 7#55 turn. April 13, 1957


                          Addressed to Foreign Office tolenrom No. J,59 of April 13•
                     Repeated for information to:  Bagdad,
                                                   C-ln-C East Indies
                                                   Commander British Force Arabia
                                                   Dubai                     fi
                                                   Muscat                   •-Hr
                          Sir Charles Belgrove,

                          As a result of medical examination on April 11 Sir Charles
                     Belprave, Adviser to the Bahrain Government, has been told that he
                     should go to England at once for operation for u growth in the
                    bladder and Is leaving with Lady Belgrove on April 17. It has been
                     announced on Bahrain radio and in Press message from here th'»t he
                     Is going home for specialized medical treatment and that he has
                     been given sick leave for the purpose. Nothing was announced
                     about his return. The Ruler hopes thnt after a short stay In
                     England he may return to finish off his work here lx? fore going on
                     retirement leave In June, but it seems very doubtful whether he
                     will, in foot, return as he will very likely hove to remain under
                     observation for some weeks after.
                          Foreign Office pass Bagdad, Tehran, POMEF and Beirut 86 my
                     telegrams Nos, 54, 39, 46 and 45 respectively.
                          [Repeated to Bagdad, Tehran, POMEF and Beirut],
                    DISTRIBUTED TO;-                  ADVANCE COPIES
                     Eastern Department               Private Secretary
                    News Department                   Sir P, Gore-Booth
                                                      Mr, Beeley
                    bbbbb                             Head of Eastern Department
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